Combat Arms Remembers Me

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Well, I picked up Combat Arms… and my god.
I made people remember me.

*pulls out shotgun*

#1 in the Closed Beta…
I was the person who laid the foundation of all those who hated shotgun users.

3rd match in… I shotgunned so many. And one guy said "Hey… weren't you in the closed beta?"
I said yes…
He replied "****".

Well. I'm gaining up again… killing. Got my shotgun, that big silver, 1-shot sniping one, for another 95 days…
Yeah. And I'm a pistol god now! 3 pistols… used in a pistol only match, I don't reload. Once ammo runs out, next gun!
USP Tactical… swap to Desert Eagle… swap to 8-Inch Annaconda.
Seriouslly, if you make me miss you, I'll just pull out a BIGGER gun.

Oh… on top of that.

Hey David!
I counter your avatar and raise you…


Anyways… I got back into Saint's Row 2 as well.
Pretty fun…

Back to Combat Arms.
Sniper rifles are cheap, arn't they? o_o
That Ghillie one… geeeeeez….
Thats just not fair!

Same guys who did Elite Beat Agents.

Oh… and this..

That's all for now.

~Grimno (YAY FISH)


spygirl57 15 April 2009 Reply

Take that as an advantage!
Whenever people ask you if you were in the closed beta,
go like, yep! And then shoot them. =D
Sorry, I don’t play Combat Arms, so I really don’t know what would be going on. xD

Aaron 15 April 2009 Reply

… I challenges you! Laggy G36E user against the Shotgun and Pistol God(dess)!

Grimno 15 April 2009 Reply

No… the Mariners… not the standard one. That one that looks like the 2nd shotgun from doom 2.
With the stock and silver.

MasterCheeze 15 April 2009 Reply

Mega64 is awesome. I totally love how Shigeru Miyamoto comes out and sees ’em running around dressed as Mario and Luigi.

Ah, their RE4 one was always my favorite.

Pirkid 15 April 2009 Reply

I’m a G36E user. 😛

Hay, I’m gud at tis game guyz.

SirPainsalot 15 April 2009 Reply

I dun play it.
Too much hekkers.
I can’t even trust certain people of not hacking. >.>
CA is sad. 🙁

dee32693 15 April 2009 Reply

LOL the funny thing is i think back when i played combat arms i heard a couple guys talking about you xD they were talking about a scary pro guy who played in beta

win much?

Grimno 16 April 2009 Reply

Win >:D

Arladerus 16 April 2009 Reply

I own at FPS’s in general, but my computer sucks ass.

guosim 17 April 2009 Reply

I hate the overpowered M590 and all its variants. =(

It owns every other shotgun, and I rage when I get killed by it 50 feet away (with 75+ HP). I mean, whatever happened to game balance?! Every Junk Flea/Death Room game has at LEAST 5 people with this OPed gun.

Btw, add me. =P IGN: Guppy

Annnnd you guys should join the LGC. It’s basically legit heaven for CA. ( *luladvertise*

Vusys, if we’re not allowed to advertise here then please remove the above statement for me. <3

Anima 17 April 2009 Reply

Lawle. DSi ftw.

On a more relavant note, join the GaggleOfNoobs. We only act nub. All legit

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