If I could go back in time, I'd go back to the time Jesus was born.
I tried thinking of other times, since this will probably offend someone, but this was the only time that stuck.
Notice that? Someone is ALWAYS offended by something…. cept Hula Hoops.
I'd learn the truth! How was Jesus born, is he the son of God, what did he do, etc etc.
That's Plan A.
Plan B would be to rig the whole place he was born in and detonate it. Killing him, the wisemen, and whoever else was there and possibly in the vacinity.
Then I'd see how the world would turn out…
And you know the funny part?
Thats all I have to say on that topic.
Seriouslly… can't really stretch it farther.
Stretching it is impossible at this time.
To stretch this blog would be impossible of achieveing.
Oh hey, akward moment today.
Found out a co-worker I've known for 6 months was a Lesbian…. yeah…
Very… akward…
… Oh! Beat Fallout 3 "Broken Steel".
Very awesome indeed.
~Grimno (Badda-Bing?)
There you go.
Did you try to make a move, and that happened? XD
Humans have destructive instincts.