When your not the pirate.
So, i log on, 2 of my buddies (one in corp, one in alliance) say they got blown up.
I ask "How"
Blanca – "One of their guys challenged us to a 1 v 1 and we went out with Shadow watching"
Me – "And you didn't think it was a trap?"
Blanca – "Oh we knew it was a trap, thought we could take them, we did get one of them."
Me – "On my way…"
So I grab My "The Commando", which is a Caldari Navy Raven Battleship.
First mistake. Using a Navy Issue.
So me and Targen go to where the guys got blown up… and we engage one of the guys. Then 1 buddy shows up.
I'm sniping, Targen's tanking… then his 3rd guy shows up.
Targen – Get out of here Grim… i'm going down."
So i fled to the nearest asteroid belt at minimum distance to it.
2nd mistake, should have west 100km away from it.
I go in, I look behind me, I see one guy coming… they've followed me…
I go cloak, but their frigate knows where I cloaked, …their frigate finds me. So then they're wailing into me, while I'm trying to flee… I know I stand no chance. So I hit "Self-Destruct" …they don't see that.
Well, they get my ship to structure… then one guy private messages me screaming "300mil! 300mil NOW" … he's trying to ransom me…
Well, all I could do is stall time… so I do.
Asking if I could go to station first and stuff like that.
He then says "You got 20 seconds!"
And I notice my Destruct Timer reads 9, and I smile…
Then, my glorious raven, bought at 300mil, worth 650mil now in market, goes off in a bright flash of light…
Apparantly, they didn't expect that… and I flew out of their in my escape pod into the nearest space station.
I must have made them MAD… cause one guy entered station looking for me. Because, well, when you self-destruct a ship, not only do you deny them the kill points to put on the BattleClinic website, but it destroys EVERYTHING you had equipped on that ship, so they can't get anything.
I bet ya THAT was why they were mad.
Well, now I'm going to find a better fitting for a standard Raven… not a "Navy" raven and all… lol.
~Grimno (I will get back at her one day. 😛 )
EVE is srs bsns
300MIL 300MIL NOW!
eve looks boring as fuck : S
EVE looks like srs business, which could be fun if I had the dedication and the will to pay for the subscription.