It’s Grimno!
(Barry Burton from Resident Evil 1 Director’s Cut Reference)
I relized noone really gets my quirky refrences so whenever I make one i’ll just put what it’s off of.
Well, here I am once more. Blogging here on VuTales. VooTales. VooTails. BooTails. Oh my god it all makes sense now!
Just kidding. It doesn’t. I still don’t even know what the Vu part stands for, so I just say.
“Vehicalur Undercarrage Tales.”
I was suppose to wake up later. But I woke up now. Here’s some advice.
Never drop your guard, in your own dreams. It’ll **** you up.
Like me! 😀
There I was, some medival looking place based off Two Worlds 2 for the Xbox 360, and i’m collecting odd pouches and punching down giant spiders and I’m thinking “Pfft. Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy.”
Then I entered the medical room.
Everything is fine, all good in hood kinda thing. I see a corpse laying on a desk, head up against the wall. I walk to it.
Then it all happened SO fast. And very very very LOUD. VERY Loud.
Machines make a flatline sound, the corpse opens its eyes, there are no eyes, starts spasming quickly dripping blood off the counter, the PA system blairs on and demonic language spews out, the glass window rusts to a brow, the room darkens, red splotches and symbols burn onto the walls, everything is freaking going blurry, my earpiece turns on and a voice is screaming “Shoot it in the BACK of the head! It has to be the back of the head!” i’m now holding a revolver, everything is still loud and then I can see my own living room, the window shades are freaking out and flying everywhere and then BOOM! I wake up in my bed, heart racing and not.. a single sound…
Then I heard something fall in the kitchen.
And then I lost it.
So don’t drop your guard.
Now then, game wise. Oh… i play… well. Vindictus now from Nexon.
I play that now.
It’s what I do.
East Server.
Level 51 at the moment.
It’s pretty fun.
I’m also into Second Life and stuffffff.
Team Fortress 2 as well.
So yeah. I’m round and about.
Oh yeah… video time.
Okies. Cheeze pointed me to the site again. And I told him i’d visit.
So I did.
~Grimno (Eccentric still but currently drunk on milk and wrecked nerves)
What the f-
If you play Vindictus, at least add me. >___> Lcon, even though it looks like lcon.
I got to 51 yesterday too. ;–; 5 more to go until Shining Will.
And still waiting for my damn Evie to be unbanned. >_<
omg hai!
Now which abyss did you crawl out from Grimmy? D:
Tis been forever
Fucking hell, I just got to Level 14 or something.
Wait, don’t open that door!
Yo, add me on Steam. SteamID = reggiefilsaime