
By In Uncategorized

So during whatever free time I can find, I have been putting together random bits to form a blog that is…well random. I haven’t written anything in god knows how long, and I am not even sure how many of you will bother reading this or even read the whole thing. This is pretty much going to be any silly thing that pops into my head written down. When I collect all these little pieces together, they will make for one hodgepodge of a blog.

I can tell that this is going to be one long read. Kudos if you make it though.

Pretty much, I will just divide this thing into random sections, everything from mindless ranting, to school life to whatever else comes into my head. To make life easy for you guys, I will just put everything into spoilers and then you can read whatever section you don’t think will bore you to death.

I hate

I hate how people wait until we have a test or exam to spam my mailbox asking for notes they have missed. If you honestly cared about getting a good grade, you would have showed up for the once a week lecture or gotten the notes from someone the day after, not three weeks after.

I hate how your good friends of the opposite sex will think talking to you is less of a priority when they get a girlfriend/boyfriend. There is nothing romantic between us but that doesn’t mean you can totally forget I exist as soon as the love of your life signs onto MSN.

I hate exams. Who the hell thought that getting tested on loads of material for every single class within the short period of two weeks was a good idea?

I hate when parents do nothing to keep their children well behaved in public. I understand children are not easy to calm down when they get agitated, but the least you could do is try to stop your kid from wailing so loudly. I still enjoy the use of my ears, thanks.

I hate people who change their status on Facebook every five minutes. It’s not just your BFFL who can see this, everyone else can too, and frankly, we don’t care for seeing your inside jokes taking up our News Feed.

I hate when you are on the bus and there are plenty of seats that are empty and not directly beside someone, but some creeper has to come and plant their behind right next to you. There is bus etiquette, and you know it. Now move.

I hate people who put things like “Fuck off”, “Don’t message”, “Not in the mood” in their MSN screen names. If you don’t want people to message you, get the hell off msn. You are just crying for attention.

I hate people who are late. I can deal with you being a few minutes late, but don’t you dare leave me standing like a fool for over an hour.

I hate when people celebrate monthaverseries. As in, you have been dating for a month, you celebrate and give each other presents and make a huge fucking deal out of it. Every damn month of your relationship.

I hate how girls think it’s hot to do a kissy face in pictures. It is NOT sexy. You look like a fish.

My First Year of University is DONE!

By the time this gets up, I will have finished all my essays, tests, assignments and final exams, and be done attending lectures. You have no idea how happy this makes me. Unless you too have just completed a year at University.

Let me tell you guys, my days of high school complaints seem so stupid. The work load this year was intense, and it’s amazing that I managed to finish everything on time and not fail. My grades for some classes were not what I was used to, so I was more down about school then I had ever been.

But guys, if you get into a program where you are really passionate about what you are learning, it’s going to be the time of your life. Aside from all the extra work and tests, I have never enjoyed learning so much in my life. Waking up early in the morning and commuting for over an hour didn’t seem so bad when I knew I was going to learn something fascinating that day with other people who wanted to do same things with their lives.

Sometimes it gets frustrating when all you want to do is listen to the lectures and learn and they keep slapping a 12 page essay for you to do. I felt stress at a level I had never stressed before. I am usually a calm, collected person. I can manage my time and get my work done and not worry too much about the quality. But this year, life was different. I was struggling to make deadlines, and I worried if I was even doing the entire assignment properly.

The hardest part for me wasn’t even getting the work done though. It was making friends. If I lived on campus then I think I would have had a much easier time. But I just couldn’t afford it, so I had to travel to school every day. I started school with a few close friends, so I wasn’t ever a total loner. But they were all in different programs, and I knew I couldn’t stick with them for the entire four years.

It would have been nice if I met someone who went home the same way I did, but it was really hard finding someone in my program who took the same bus route as me. That was the first difficulty. The second was just not having any real opportunity outside of class. For my program, it is literally almost just one class a day, and everyone just goes home after their lectures are done. When there are no breaks to sit down and talk to people, you don’t get the chance to get to know anyone.
Eventually sitting in the same place every week helps you break the ice with people, and making friends wasn’t so difficult. But getting started was a scary process.

When it comes down to it, these past few months were both amazing and terrifying. I really don’t want to freak out anyone college/university bound, but it’s the truth. When you get past all the hellish aspects, the life of a university student is pretty darn awesome.


Usually, I don’t remember dreams. It isn’t always a bad thing, because frankly, I have some fucked up dreams that I would rather not remember. But there are times when I wake up, and for a brief moment I think to myself: That was freaking awesome! Then I hear someone’s voice, or a dog barking outside, and bam! Just like that it’s gone forever. The only times I remember my dreams are when I haven’t been woken up in an abrupt way, like my alarm clock or my mom screaming.

The dreams that I do remember are usually really lame. I’m talking “the world is in trouble and I am the one who saves the day” kind of lame. But the other day I had the perfect recollection of a rather odd dream.

Me and a bunch of people were having a class downtown. I don’t mean the university I go to that happens to be downtown. I mean the classroom was outside on the busy intersection. And the seats were on the sidewalk, and some of the strangest people were in my dream. If I told them I was dreaming about them, they would think I was a freak.

While in class, some guy tries to sell me a nickel bag of weed. Being the non-smoker I am, I respectfully decline, and at that very moment, some dude walks out of nowhere, and he is what I called “The Weedman”. By this I mean he was a man. Covered in weed. Head to toe, there was green furry crap all over him. Someone explain to me the deeper meaning of dreams about marijuana, and men covered in it.

I also vaguely remember this dream I had during exam week. It has some tiny aspects of an anime I am watching, but the rest was like…whoa. I can’t fathom how my mind came up with something so cool. It was like I was watching a movie because I wasn’t the one in the dream. Something about a woman teleporting away somewhere before a plane crashes. Then some secret organization takes her to find the other people like her. She speaks on the phone with a man, trying to convince him to come to where she is, almost like a negotiator. I made it sound awful, but I was very entertained dreaming it. I wish I could remember more and write it out as a story.

I want a dog, Charlie Brown

What kid doesn’t? Ever since my new neighbours moved in, I realized how much I wanted a pet dog. You see kids on TV and in the movies happy with their little animal friends, and imagine yourself walking your dog in the park, and your heart just aches for one.

My parents never let it happen. They let us have fish instead. What a disaster that was. These were the most boring fish you ever did see. At least if it was a Beta Fish, I could have held a mirror in front of the tank to make it go into battle mode, but there were your average goldfish. They didn’t live very long, and when they started to have babies my frustrations grew.

They ate their babies.

I had cannibal fish. I had to go and buy a tank separator to keep the adult and baby fish from getting near each other, but those rascally little ones managed to sneak under the divider to meet their parents and their doom.

Eventually I got so tired of my fish dying or being eaten that I let the ones that survived go off into the nearby stream. I am guessing they died the next day but I couldn’t have cared less. Better they perish in the wild than in my house. I would want a noble death like that.

Sure if you get a dog, you are pretty much going to outlive them too. But dogs move. They are warm and loyal. They may even care about you the same way you care for them. That’s what I want from a pet.

I know for a fact that when I have kids, I won’t dare deprive them of their dream pet. Heck, I may throw in a mini pig. Tyra Banks says they are cleaner than dogs.


LOL. So I got David and Jon totally hooked on to this song, so heck. Why not share a link. See if anyone else would enjoy it. Bollywood on VuTales. Who knew this day would come?

Edit: This is friendly neigborhood Tarheel speaking. I fixed the Youtube video. 🙂


AznRiceFan 30 April 2010 Reply

Yeah, it is a lot more challenging to meet people and make friends in college classes. Dorming really gives you a much better experience/chance to meet people.

tarheel91 30 April 2010 Reply

Finals are next week. One Wednesday, two Thursday, and a final essay due Thursday. At the same time, I’ve got competition for Formula SAE starting on the 12th, so I’m busy helping test the car.

Stuff always gets crazy at the end of the semester. 🙁

I also hate people who ignore bus etiquette. I had my arms stretched out on the top of the surrounding seats. The bus was practically empty. A guy who clearly lacks any concept of hygiene gets on the bus and plants his ass right next to me. I was pissed.

When it comes to relationships, I hate the opposite. I hate people of the opposite sex who were friends with you before you get in a relationship and then suddenly disappear now that you’re dating someone. Seriously? Were you only talking me in the hopes of one day screwing or something?

Finally, that chick is sexy.

Edit: I found college significantly easier than high school.

Nass 30 April 2010 Reply

ehhhh where to start….

k uno
but if you pester them and be like “talk to me too! not just you’re gf/bf!!111111111”
you’re a fucking bitch.

ehhh not really sure about the notes one.
just charge them and they won’t come back anymore, unless they have money, which is good for you.

Facebook one doesn’t bother me much

I’m always late. but idc much if someone else is, just as long as they show up

Month anniversaries are cute.

some girls look cute if they do the face right. You’re a gi- I’ll hold back on that one 😉

just tell them to move, I don’t see the rant worthy problem there.
Or maybe you should just get your ass up and move. I mean, there’s other empty seats right?

That weed dream. You have anyone else who smokes?

no comment on the dog, except that they fucking suck.

-clicks YT video-
“Aw shit,IT’S A TRAP!
You know cuz I always love seeing men and women dance around to weird music & speaking a language I don’t understand .

cool on the uni year thing w/e

there I think I’m done

JrRepty 30 April 2010 Reply

“I hate when people celebrate monthaverseries. As in, you have been dating for a month, you celebrate and give each other presents and make a huge fucking deal out of it. Every damn month of your relationship. “

I don’t know about you, but it’s done alllllllllllll the time here. Because they don’t last long enough for a year ;D

Pirkid 30 April 2010 Reply
JrRepty said: “I hate when people celebrate monthaverseries. As in, you have been dating for a month, you celebrate and give each other presents and make a huge fucking deal out of it. Every damn month of your relationship. “

I don’t know about you, but it’s done alllllllllllll the time here. Because they don’t last long enough for a year ;D

I’ve seen weekaverseries.

The only relationships that last around here and the one’s where the couple is hanging off each other’s genitals every 5 minutes. They have dinner, they just relax, they talk, nothing is made a big deal, ergo, drama doesn’t bite them in the arse.

Spade 4 May 2010 Reply

Happy 6 months to me~

JrRepty 6 May 2010 Reply
Pirkid said:

JrRepty said: “I hate when people celebrate monthaverseries. As in, you have been dating for a month, you celebrate and give each other presents and make a huge fucking deal out of it. Every damn month of your relationship. “

I don’t know about you, but it’s done alllllllllllll the time here. Because they don’t last long enough for a year ;D

I’ve seen weekaverseries.

The only relationships that last around here and the one’s where the couple is hanging off each other’s genitals every 5 minutes. They have dinner, they just relax, they talk, nothing is made a big deal, ergo, drama doesn’t bite them in the arse.

Weekaverseries? You have to be kidding.

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