So this is my first blog post, and I'm here to rant about my xbox 360.
About 3 months ago, my xbox got the RROD, and it was a launch console. I'm amazed it lasted this long. Anyways, I didn't want to send it to stupid Microsoft for a month and a half before getting it back. So I opened it and in under an hour, I had replaced the heat pads, and voilà, my xbox was fixed. But of course, this ment my warrenty was voided. Anyways, I decided to mod my console at the same time.( for thoses who don't know what it modding an xbox does, well it simply enables it to play burned games which are downloaded off Internet and then burned onto double layered DVDs. This of course, is agaisnt the xbox live policy )
So for about 3 months , I downloaded all my games and I still played alongside my xbox live friends. That is , until modern warfare 2 , the ' biggest release of the year ' got leaked. So me and all my other friends that had modded consoles all downloaded it and we certainly had a blast for thoses 2 weeks. We got to play mw2 before anyone else( + 150000 people ).
Now about a week ago, I opened up my xbox to be greated by this message : You have been banned from Xbox Live[…] there is no way to appeal your ban […] we may not reveal any information regarding your ban[…].
Thoses motherfuckers. I knew I had it coming, but I didn't expect it to be so early. Then I looked over at my computer, and I decided to give PC gaming a try, and oh boy did I not regret it. I went out and bought Modern Warfare 2 for PC and I hooked up with many friends that I knew played mostly on PC. I found every part of it better than on consoles. ( mostly because my computer out-performs my xbox ).
Since then I've been buying my games from steam when there are sales( I just bought about 15 games for 49.99 because of the holiday sale on Sunday ) and I don't regret a thing. The xbox is pure shit when I take a look back at it.
If anyone is interested at playing on steam with me, add me : Mickthedude.
My name is not Mick btw, that account is my brothers that I took control of 😛
PC rocks PS360 when it comes to shooters. Wii is the only thing that can come close to PC, and even it’s clearly not a good. Of course, I’m talking purely about controls here. Mouse’n’Keyboard are my lovers.
A gamer who doesn’t love a good gaming mouse isn’t a gamer.
PC ftw.
L4D2 plz. Wasted about your xbox though. I would love an xbox. All I have is a second hand Wii. It isn’t half bad, but i would def prefer an xbox.
XBOX Live ew
Seriously, I’m down for getting Left 4 Dead 2.
i still dont what this steam is you speak of
I love how all of you generalize based on your own beliefs. Merovign, I’ll beat your ass on a console, and that’s the exact thing you would probably say.
Mod ban: Microsoft should have done this a long time ago, so nobody would ban in the first place. Their fault for implementing so late. Your fault for modding. You can’t complain for going against terms of use.
EDIT: One way to prevent RRoD, even with the original chip, is to put the Xbox 360 on its side. More surface area = more cooling. You don’t see people who point their consoles up like a tower complaining about RRoD.
I prefer console gaming
PC is obviously better as far as controls go, but many PC Gamers fail to realize that console controls aren’t so horrendous if they’re what you mainly play and if you are playing a game that isnt cross-console/PC or whatever that everyone is still on equal footing anyway so it still a matter of who’s better at the game, just with a less efficient cnotrol set
Eh, if you joined just for Left 4 Dead 2, SHAME ON YOU. >=O
Chill Lith, people need incentive to join. Unlike others, he’s actually blogging and commenting.
PC is obviously better as far as controls go, but many PC Gamers fail to realize that console controls aren’t so horrendous if they’re what you mainly play and if you are playing a game that isnt cross-console/PC or whatever that everyone is still on equal footing anyway so it still a matter of who’s better at the game, just with a less efficient cnotrol set
But it’s a matter of who’s better at an inferior control scheme. Really seems kind of pointless, doesn’t it? I was about to make an analogy about women’s basketball, but I realized I’d be flamed out VuTales for it.
I could probably play against a mouse-user on a controller with no problems except probably turning around (low sensitivity) or sniping (high sensitivity). I might also have problems aiming while meleeing and jumping, but hey, that’s what Bumper Jumper is for.
But it’s a matter of who’s better at an inferior control scheme. Really seems kind of pointless, doesn’t it? I was about to make an analogy about women’s basketball, but I realized I’d be flamed out VuTales for it.
The control scheme is inferior only technically
being more precise doesn’t make as big a difference when everyone else is more precise too, the difference comes down to preference
[college basketball to NBA analogy]
No, no, no. You’d be surprised. I used to think that, but it’s amazing how different a console player will move/aim than a PC player. On a console, you change direction by changing where you look, but all the careful aiming is done through strafing/moving the actual person. With a mouse and keyboard, aiming and moving are entirely independent. I can jump around like a mad man and still pull of crazy accurate shots. Plus, closing time (the amount of time it takes to get your crosshair in the general vicinity of the opponent) is much shorter with a mouse. It’s just much more precise. Period.
@Waffle: Nah, college basketball and the NBA play very different games, and most of it doesn’t have to do with skill. The 35 second and 24 second shot clocks, respectively, really change the way you play the game. College ball sees a lot more movement with everyone generally getting a touch each possession. You see a lot more 2-man game in the pros. Plus, the refs generosity when it comes to walks makes the NBA much more slash-friendly.
Women’s basketball features people who are inherently shorter and weaker than their male counterparts. They play the same game, but put the best female player on her college’s men’s team, and at best she’s average. Suddenly, women’s basketball becomes much less exciting.
Controllers are still a totally different experience though. Stepmania is fun but has nothing on actual DDR even though you can move your fingers much better than your feet.
It’s a matter of preference, PC gamers really just need to accept that not everybody enjoys mouse and keyboard despite how precise it is
I’m aware of it and I still play controllers because i like the way they feel in comparison to PC setup, however I don’t stand a chance against a PC player with a controller so I’m going to play a game where i have equal footing with others who prefer controllers
Controllers are inferior “technically”, but there’s more to it than that because if there wasn’t than obviously everyone would be mousing it up
It’s a matter of preference, PC gamers really just need to accept that not everybody enjoys mouse and keyboard despite how precise it is
I’m aware of it and I still play controllers because i like the way they feel in comparison to PC setup, however I don’t stand a chance against a PC player with a controller so I’m going to play a game where i have equal footing with others who prefer controllers
Controllers are inferior “technically”, but there’s more to it than that because if there wasn’t than obviously everyone would be mousing it up
I see where you’re coming from. Basically, if you’re a woman who enjoys basketball, you’re going to play regardless. Still, for someone like me who’s good at both, I’ll stick with the superior form of control. The gameplay is changed because of the superior form of control (for the better, in my opinion). It requires you to be a quicker, more accurate shot, and rushing blindly loses a lot of its appeal. You can still have fun with either format, but mouse + keyboard will always be better for me.
All my careful aiming is done with my right analog stick. O_o My moving is purely for dodging/moving… I don’t move my body when I snipe, unless they go behind a rock or something. XD
Arly, I’ve got an idea. Hook up your X360 controller to your PC, and play me in something like HL2 Deathmatch. I’ll demonstrate how crazy of a disadvantage you’re at.
I don’t have a plug for my 360 controller. But please, enlighten me. Tell me something about the difference of the two control schemes I do not already know.