I was reading that thread about drugs on the forum section, and I felt the need to write this : what is your opinion on the legalization of cannabis ? Here's mine :
Cannabis should not be legalized, ever. Even though it is considered a more minor drug or even a 'medical drug' , it's still a drug, and it's extremely bad for the human mind and organism. I find that people who smoke cannabis are even worse low life losers than people who take hard drugs because they think it's ok, and that it's not that bad, it's just for fun, blablabla, i'm gay.
I support what China applies about it's drug policies, which is : they kill anyone in the same hour that is caught importing drugs.
People are a joke. They need stuff like cannabis and alcohol to have a good time. I've never smoked cannabis in my entire life, and I absolutely do NOT want to try it. Don't confuse me with someone who has never had the opportunity to do so because all they do is stay home and play counter strike. I've been offered to try so many times from my friends, and I always say no, because when I look at most of them, smoking a joint every 2 days, smoking cigarettes all the time, I'm grateful I'm not like thoses losers. I can enjoy my life without the need to take a substance. My girlfriend and I both think the same way about drugs, just to say I'm not the only one.
Now that I'm done with that, what do yoo think about our situation right now? Should cannabis be legalized ? No. But now I'm waitng for your answers.
It’s different once you’ve tried it, or so I’ve heard…never had before.
Right now I don’t smoke, mainly because if I get caught it tugboats me over for the rest of my life, either by parents or law.
But hey, life’s a long road, who knows?
Is cannabis pretty much the same thing as weed?
@Cheeze: Same thing. Cannabis is the fancy, biological name for it.
Hm, I always thought marijuana was since it’s like, four syllables.
Argh, I’ve changed my mind and decided I’m pretty much for it being legalized. It can pretty much equal alcohol in terms of side effects’ severity (let’s say getting high compared to being buzzed) with alcohol obviously being able to be taken further and becoming more dangerous to people around the user. Also there can just be a tax on it like tobacco.
Edit: Looking at Froggy’s post, 21 would be a perfect age to make it legal with alcohol.
Alcohol is a drug and it’s legal and it’s extremely bad for the human mind and
organismbody.lol ur gay
I laugh at left handed people also, in case you were wondering why i saiz that. I dunno how dey related, but w/e.
There’s gonna be people smokin’ weed forever, so why not profit from this and make it legal? It won’t make a difference to the people who do smoke it. Oh, sure it’s harmful and what not, but so’s alcohol and you don’t see that banned in America, do ya?
Also, pot isn’t illegal in California, nor is it legal. There’s also gonna be a law to legalize it and only people ages 21 and over are allowed to grow, possess, and buy cannabis. Well, now, lookin’ a lot like a certain drug now, is it? *coughalcoholcough*
Alcohol is worse really
Alcohol is like: “Dude let’s do something deadly!
Weed is like: “Dude….ummm…uhhhhh….dude….”
The gouvernment will never legalize it because they would want to make tax money on it. This is near impossible because of all the dealers and people who would sell it at less than the retail price. Thus they don’t make a profit on the legalization.
Nah, don’t legalize it. On a side note, I was raised to always say No to drugs. Like any kind. Weed or whatever it may be.
@ Waffle: You’re right, alcohol is half bad, but then again, banning everything doesn’t really stop the problem.
The gouvernment will never legalize it because they would want to make tax money on it. This is near impossible because of all the dealers and people who would sell it at less than the retail price. Thus they don’t make a profit on the legalization.
and Repty I don’t believe alcohol should be banned, I think weed should be legalized
The Prohibiton is what happened when the gov tried to ban alcohol and didn’t that contribute to the rise of The Mafia? They legalized it BOOM money.
Just legalize the crap. Some company (think what Budweiser is to alcohol) will make a better heroin and earn zillions and the government can then tax them.
I think it should be legalized.
As of the last time this was brought up, I’ve done it 5 times.
People who are like “Oh shit you’re gonna get addicted.” Really need to shut the fuck up.
It isn’t the same for everyone.
Plus being high is awesome.
@Waffle: Actually it depends on what you smoked.
For example, if you were to smoke Jamaican hash, you would be calm. Like nothing would make you lose your cool. That’s kinda like what you said.
Smoking other things you could be baked in one toke.
Like you’ll get the freaking munchies, and eat out your whole house. Then laugh your ass off and have a completely different insight on the world.
I bet half the people who want to legalize cannabis sample it. 😐
No, but srsly, if the govt isn’t profiting from weed, why not legalize it and make it profitable? Even if there are no profits, it won’t matter, because it’ll be as if it wasn’t legalized. It’s a win/win situation.
Speaking of which, Nass have you seen Katt Williams’ Pimp Chronicles?
funny shit ain’t it?
funny shit ain’t it?