I don't know if any of you heard that that prize refferal site called Lockerz, if you don't, scroll down to the botton of this page, if you do know what it is, continue reading.
I got myself an invite by refferal on sunday, and I decided to check it out. Lockerz uses of system of ' PTZ '. Theses points are used to buy different things off the site. Various thing like modern warfare 2 costs 100 PTZ, a DSi costs 325, premium quality sound headsets from Skullcandy range from 125 to 175 and big stuff like a ps3 costs something like 675 and computers range in the high 1000's.
Anyways, my point being is that me and my friend are going to try out this site, and I will post my results here. Now here is the really cool thing : there is something called the ' Z-List '. It's like being a VIP. And do be one, you must succesfuly invite 20 people to sign up. In under an hour, I had 20 fake yahoo emails ready, and it took me another hour to sign them all up under my refferal link. BAM, Z-list status in under 2 hours. So on sunday I had around 64 ptz, and today, tuesday, I have 124. This seems simple enough. The true thing im here to test is if this is real or not. There are NO ads on their site. How can they make a profit out of this ?
By being a Z-list member , you also get a free t-shirt shiped to you. I live in Canada, so I can expect it in about 2 weeks, I'll update if I get it.
Now im finally getting to the point of all this here ; the account I created will not be for my personal use, but instead, it will be given back to all of VUTALES.
What does that mean ? It means that every time I reach a point of around 200 points, I will buy something off the site, and host a contest, then give it away on here 😀
Some might think that this might not be true…but I already have a personal account with way more points that I will use for myself. So since David as been so nice as to gift me L4D2, I'm giving back to you people.
If you want in.
If you want to get a lockerz account, you must be reffered, you can't just make an account like that. Thats where I come in. PM me your email, and I will send you invite. Everytime someone joins, I get 4 PTZ. Thats 4 more towards a prize. ( even if no one joins, I still 4 ptz daily, but it will go faster this way)
So what do you all think about this ? I'm down for some great contests will the stuff I will get 😀
All you have to do is wait, OR pm me for an invite if you want a lockerz account. I will confirm a send, but you MUST check your junk mail, it will most likely wind up in there.
Enjoy everyone 🙂
You gotta catch up, bud, Lockerz is old news round here. xD
lmao naw, lockerz sucks. site crashes before i can get my free shyt
Getting stuff from that site is close to impossible. They’re hosted on the worst servers I’ve ever seen designed to handle large amounts of traffid, the coders can’t code for absolute CRAP, (the site breaks in FireFox 3.5), and the design is terrible. Laggy ajax will always be laggy.
You live on Canada?
Lol I’m joking. But LockerZ sucks.
Although it is very nice of you to offer something like this 😛
Host the contests anyway!
I’m sure people will join 🙂