Keeping Politics in the Polls

By In Uncategorized

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but people keep grilling me about my political beliefs. I find this to be extremely rude, because I believe that a person's political views are a private matter. I mean, it's fine if someone casually asks "oh well what's your opinion on this?" because then I can either answer or say "you know, I'd really rather not say." I hate it when people judge me based on my political beliefs, and therefore try to keep my views as low-key as possible. There are things I feel strongly about, however, such as the fact that I am pro-Life. I always have a piece of red duct-tape somewhere on my clothing or my back-pack, symbolizing my view. I typically mean it as a way to start a constructive conversation, but I've had many left wing, pro-Choice people verbally attack me out of nowhere, so I've recently decided to stop wearing the duct-tape. It saddens me that people can act so immaturely over politics, an area of life that should benefit the other areas, not take dominance over them.

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