Ok so this is a semi-rant… Very rantish parts, and then… well you'll see.
I'm sure anyone who's played Maple on a bowman or a sin has noticed these "spots" where your arrows/stars get sucked into a black hole or something, because there's no walls between you and the monster, and it's DEFINITELY not out of your range, but somehow your projectiles never make it to the monster. You can sit there spamming your attack button all day and still not hit it! This means that you have to walk all the way to the other side of the monster to shoot it, pretty much defeating the whole purpose of being ranged. These spots have been there since the beginning. Nexon's GOT to know about them, or they don't even test their own freaking game! I hadn't had to deal with them very much anyways, since I usually only played Magicians, and that kind of glitch is pretty much non-existant.
Another thing I hate when playing Sins/bowmen: You press your attack button RIGHT as a monster spawns RIGHT on top of you, so you end up whacking it and dealing like 1 friggen damage! For bowmen, it's kind of ok because they have a pretty good chance of k/b, and they also do somewhat decent melee damage where Sins always deal like 1 or 2. This crap happens to me all the time and it pisses me off (pardon the language) to no end!
Both of these instances were a cause of extremely high frustration for me today, because I was training on my sin (currently level 31) at Evil Eyes, using 2x EXP for a half hour thanks to the new Family Rep feature. At 100 EXP a kill (and I can kill them in 1 hit), I was getting about %0.099 (pretty much %0.10) per kill, which equals %1 every 10 kills/hits. Unfortunately, the layout of the Cave of the Evil Eye is not the friendliest an Assassin could find, and the Jr. Boogies are a constant nuisance. Since I'm Dexless, I have a hard time hitting them, so if I accidentally do, they will take away my ability to jump and lower my accuracy further, making it impossible for me to kill Evil Eyes. Because of this, I have to go into Dark Sight and sit on a rope for upwards of a minute waiting for this crap to wear off. During my half hour of training, I gained %70 (I started out at %20 and ended at %90), cursing under my breath every time something set me back. If it weren't for the stupid "black hole" glitch and frustrating spawn points, I could have easily leveled and then some.
I can't complain too much though, because that 1/2 hour of 2x Exp was technically free. I have to give Nexon props in their most recent addition to MapleStory: The Family feature. This is obviously old news to anyone currently playing MapleStory, but for those of you who've quit, MapleStory's short-lived v.67 patch featured the addition of the "Family." Players could add characters within 20 levels below them as "Juniors." When the Juniors do quests, gain EXP, and level up, the Senior is rewarded with "Rep," which can be used to buy "Entitlements." These Entitlements range from warping to a family member from virtually anywhere to virtually anywhere (Except event maps, etc.) to 1.5x or 2x EXP/Drop in increments of 15 or 30 minutes. Each entitlement can only be used once per day, and costs an amount of Rep ranging from 300 to around 5,000 rep for the higher rewards. A half hour of 2x EXP costs 2,500 rep.
If you have 2 computers with MapleStory on them, or a friend you can trust with anything, there's a great way to exploit this feature: Start a new character and get it to level 10. Leave it on MapleIsland, preferably in the earliest possible map to make everything easier. On a separate account, create another character. Don't do any of the quests or level up or anything, just go directly to the map your first character was on. Now, you have to be able to log into both characters at once, whether you do it with two computers or you have a friend log on. Have the level 10 add the level 1 as a Jr., then have the Jr. train and level up to 10. Once that's done, quit off the 2nd character and create a 3rd, doing the same thing with it that you did with the 2nd. You can repeat the process over and over until your first character has the amount of rep you desire. All the level 10 characters can be saved for use if you ever want to start another character: you don't have to waste any time getting to 10!!! ^__^ Now, you'll have thousands of rep, which you can use to boost your new character from 10 to 21 extremely fast. Once at 21, you can simply PQ at Kerning (Check out my WordPress blog for tips on KPQ) until level 31 (Yeah, you can level up from 30 to 31 in the middle of KPQ :P). Then, use your Rep to train to around 35 or 40, and you'll be strong enough to CPQ until 50 (or 51). If you wanted, at level 30 you can get all your level 10 Jr. accounts and train them up some more to recover some of the rep you've used. Using this method, the Family feature has LOTS of potential!
You scheming son of a bitch 😛
And yes… Nexon has fucked up. Stupid Nexon…
Levels 31-35 was always the hardest for me. The Rep thingy sounds interesting.
There’ll definitely be more loopholes to exploit later on. Like, possibly repeatable quests?
Yes well… The quests never do give very much EXP… they’re practically useless. I do quests when I’m tired of grinding lol.
and to think it took me 3 months to get to lvl 30 from 29 two years ago. you newcomers get everything the easy way. >=/
3 months to gain 1 level? I’ve been playing since beta and I’ve never taken 3 months to get from 29 to 30 O__________o
ohh. well, i was hanging out and playing around and hardly pqed at all 😛 ah, good times.
Nexon…ITS NEXON for Zakum’s sake! 😀
who am I to diss nexon? Blizzard deleted my account on WoW all because i was paid a thousand G by my guild mate for the ores i mined for him
LOL *remembers all the random account ive made with at list 5-9 characters that never made it to lvl 10*
I remember being a bowman, and NEVER being able to k/b for some reason. It pissed me off. When I’m trying to be stupid, and trying to kill the Mushroom by hitting it , it knocks it back. -__-
Your blog is very inconsistant. But I like it anyway.
I haven’t been playing maple for four years and i wanna play it again, but FUCKIN COLLEGE ESSAYS AND SHIT.