Party Questing: CPQ

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Today I only played MapleStory for like 2 hours, but I gained 4 levels ^__^ CPQ is SO amazing! The following is copied from my WordPress blog:

The Carnival Party Quest (Abbreviated CPQ) is undeniably the fastest way for characters 30 to 50 to train, especially if you’ve got at least three other players who you know you can trust, or even if you’ve got one friend who has two computers (three in all).

The Basics

CPQ is the closest thing MapleStory has to PvP. It consists of two parties (Of 2~6 people each) facing each other in the “Monster Carnival.” One party creates a room through Spiegelmann in the carnival lobby. He’s also the NPC that warps you to the lobby, and he’s in Kerning, Orbis, and Ludibrium. Once one party creates a room, another party can request to challenge them. If the leader of the first party accepts, the second party is warped to the waiting room for a 10 second count down.

Once the countdown is over, both parties are warped to another map (Determined by the room that the first party chose), where monsters spawn. Some monsters are slightly invisible (Like a Rogue in Dark Sight), which means that they are for the opposing team. You cannot hit them, so just focus on the ones that aren’t invisible. The objective of the CPQ is to kill as many monsters as you can, because each one you kill gives some Carnival Points (CP). At the end of the round, the team with the highest overall CP wins. As CP is collected, it can be used to spawn harder monsters for the enemy team, buff the monsters to make it harder for the enemy team to kill them, or place conditions (Such as Darkness/Lower Accuracy) on the opposing party members.

Occasionally, the monsters may drop Maple Coins. These can be collected and exchanged for prizes later on, so grab them when you can!

At the end of the PQ, the teams are awarded a ranking and EXP, depending on how much CP they gained. I’m not sure of the rewards for every ranking, but B rank is somewhere around 25,000 EXP and requires 250 CP. A rank is 30,000 EXP and requires 500 CP.

Trade Wins (TW)

Many players choose to do this: Two parties agree to “trade wins,” one party wins the first time around, and the second wins the second time around, etc. This is great EXP and definitely the way to go if you don’t have multiple computers.

My method (A.K.A. Scheme)

At my house, we have 3 computers, but only my brother and I play MapleStory. We load a dummy character on the third computer we don’t use, invite another player to the dummy character’s party, then start a match and kick the other player. This way, we win every time. We always get B rank (We’re only level 37 and 35), so that’s 25k EXP every time, on top of all the EXP we get simply fighting the mobs. Once we get a little higher level we’ll be getting A rank every time. In a little over an hour and a half of using this method, I leveled 4 times (33~37) on my Dexless Assassin, McPvvn.


Nass 3 May 2009 Reply

This is Bera no?

I still need a world to join… D:

irawk 3 May 2009 Reply

Yes, this is Bera. Bera PWNS. If you join up, add my sin: McPvVn (That’s 2 Vs, just to clarify, but it looks like a W in game). I’ll help you out however I can. Btw I just hit 38 ^__^

Nass 3 May 2009 Reply


I’ll start as soon as it’s done updating.

spygirl57 3 May 2009 Reply

The only PQ I did was in Henesys. D:

darkness 3 May 2009 Reply

I loved CPQ for the leisureliness and fun of it, but solo players who kick their party members got on my nerves.

irawk 3 May 2009 Reply

Yeah they’re annoying… Btw I’m currently level 40 ^__^ 54% CPQ is freaking amazing.

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