Back + GH:WT + Rawr n stuff

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So yeah, I disappeared for a while. If you were hoping you were rid of me, well you've been disappointed! Mwuahahahahaha!!! Anyways, yeah, I disappear sometimes, I have a sort of Internet Attention Deficit Hyper-Ooh shiny!!!… wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, I have IADHD!!!… So what have I been doing all this time? Well… Mobsters on MySpace for one, Rock Band 2, which I had gotten some DLC for, and it's just awesome in and of itself anyways, and I'm pretty much the family housemaid, cleaning and all that fun stuff, so yeah, forgive me if I forget to log in every day (or week for that matter!1!1!) And what's this I see about VuStory on the main page?!?

Gutar Hero: World Tour

So I recently got GH:WT, and I must say it's really freaking awesome. I know I'm waaaaaay behind the curve as usual, but hey, it's a tough economy and you can't always get what you want, right? Anywai, after having beaten Career mode on Expert (Mostly anyways… I can't beat Scatch Boogie on Expert, but I beat it on hard), and playing through "Crazy Train" two dozen times (Sorry, that song is just amazing), I got into the Music Studio and have pretty much produced my own "album" of guitar solos, some easy, and some so hard even I can't pass them. They all sound AMAZING tho… I'd upload them to GHTunes if I could connect my Xbox to the interwebs, but I can't so I won't… Not for the moment anyways.

Let's see… what else am I missing? Oh Yeah, RAWR (n stuff)



Vusys 25 June 2009 Reply

VuStory is a little side project I have to make MapleStory into a browser based, turn based game.

irawk 25 June 2009 Reply

Omg that looks hawt, can’t wait to see where that goes. And what’s this about licking me?

spygirl57 25 June 2009 Reply

Wb!! 😀
And thats sick!! :O

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