Yesterday I posted a blog about how annoying the older of my little siblings is. Well, today, he proved it once again. Before I get into that, I'm going to give a little background on the kind of yard work I did when I was his age.
At our old house, we had about six huge pine trees in our yard. Anyone who's been around them for very long know they shed pine-needles more than a shaggy dog and pine-cones almost as often. Therefore, my older brother and I had the daily chore of picking up prickly pine-cones and twice a week we'd rake up about fifteen bagsfull of pine-needles. We also had hedge-bushes pretty much all the way around the house. Looking at my house on Google Maps right now for the first time in 5 years, I see that the new owners have removed the pine trees (Lucky ba****ds :O) and most of the bushes, but I digress… The point of this paragraph was to basically say we had a pretty tough time when it came to yard work… Oh and did I mention that we didn't have a self-propelled push mower as we do now? No, we had a big, huge, heavy push mower, AND we had to have a bag on the back to catch grass, which we then had to empty after every two-to-three rows.
So yeah, now we have a self-propelled mower, no bag, less than half the hedges, and zero pine trees. Zero. They (my little brothers) have no pine-needle/pine-cone duties, no daily/weekly yard work to speak of! I mow the yard twice a week by myself, and they sometimes beg me to let them help. Well, today, my mom decided it was time to go pull weeds and trim hedges and edge the driveway. So, of course, I'm the one lifting the heavy edger and edgeing the driveway and our side of the road. It was supposed to be River(the bratty one)'s job to pick up the resulting grass-waste and put it in a trash can. Being a little girly-girl, he didn't want to get his hands dirty and kept freaking out that "his work is too hard" and "it's too hot!" and "why should he have to do all the hard work," blah, blah, blah. So, in the end, I end up having to pick it up. It's an easy job, so normally I wouldn't complain, but the edger had already worn me out, I could have dropped to the ground, asleep, right then and there.
I finished cleaning that mess up and my mom tells me to go trim the hedges, which, again, I do. This time, it's my other brother's turn to pick up the waste, and he too complains. So, again, I pick up the trimmings and toss them on the yard-trash pile. We are then told to clean up all the yard tools and put them away, which, again, is much too complicated and tiring a task for my little brothers to be expected to do, and, again, I am the one who has to do it all.
To top it all off, THEY GOT TO TAKE A SHOWER FIRST!. I just about wanted to kill the both of them this afternoon. They have no concept of work whatsoever.
You have my sympathies. :/
On the other hand, though, if you can sufficiently intimidate/coax/blackmail them, then it’s like having servants, only for free. :O
I feel your pain. Until my brother became a teenager, he was always getting out of yardwork even though I’d been doing everything since I was 10 (my older brother somehow got out of doing yard work at age 17). He’s still lazy when it comes to yard work. Still, Chameleon is right in that if you can correctly manipulate them later on they make excellent servants. There’s a few years where they completely worship you, and they can be pretty nice if you do it right.
Yeah except for the fact that my parents watch me like a hawk… Every time I try to manipulate them, my parents come in and put a stop to it… I can’t even stop my little brothers from playing MY X-Box that I payed for! Like, what the hell?!
ahah you remind me of those people that go
“When I was your age…”
None the less, I feel your pain. I get the sexist treatment at home. I am a girl, so I do the annoying chores of dishes and cleaning and other stupid jobs my brother is never even ASKED to do =/
My parents, mom especially, always tells me that I need to clean up my room (especially the desk). Then she points out my brother’s room and is like, “Why can’t you be more like your little brother and keep a clean room?”
Me: */wrists*
But seriously, his room is like, SPARTAN. >________>;;
I always say a superclean room is indication of a person who has no life… I mean, srsly, who has TIME to clean their room?!?!?
The only things to clean up in my room are clothes, and I just toss them into a bin, so it only takes like 5 mins.
I’m somewhat of a packrat, so there’s a lot of clutter from years back. When my parents tell me to “clean my room,” I just dust off the tables and bookshelves, and move stuff around a bit to lend verisimilitude to my claim that yes, I DID clean my room. xD
But cleaning is a good way to kill time if you’re procrastinating on studying and don’t have anything else to do.
My mom constantly bugs me about my room, i tend to leave my clothes lying around a lot, and only get around to folding them and putting them away a few days later. My excuse is that its my space in my house, and if she dosnt like how messy it is, then she should leave and close the door -.-
Rawr. Least you don’t have to share a room with your little brother. I set a no-food policy once we cross into our room. Not only does he eat in the room anyway, he hides the wrappers/bags in my stuff. >__>
Little siblings get it too easy. Especially since parents are like sympathetic towards them when they deserve no sympathy whatsoever.
Our work load is pretty even. My sis does a lot more then I see, and my mom is constantly reminding me of that whenever I complain..
Nonetheless, it’s sucks having the male stereotype of us having to do all the rough and tough work. A guy can only handle so many bags of grass.
Only child=bad too :[
Means I do ALL work with no chance of help D;
This somehow makes me think that to be fair, guys and girls should take turns being on top.
Means I do ALL work with no chance of help D;
I’d seriously rather do all the work than have to ask for help from those spoiled basterds. ):