Moar Bout Mah N00 Fone :O

By In Uncategorized

As told in a recent blog entry, I've recently switched from Cingulair/AT&T to Sprint's Boost Mobile. I'm on the $1-per-day plan, which gives me unlimited texting and unlimited calls to other Sprint/Boost/Nextel users. In aforementioned blog, I talked about how I figured out how to hack ringtones onto my i335 (which is specifically left out of all official Motorola applications, so it took me a while!). Well, yesterday, I figured out how to hack games onto it! Via this website, I can upload files from my computer to my phone. Unfortunately, I have yet to find any good games that work on the Motorola i335 (which is a 128×128 phone), other than a Snake clone. I've been looking for the Guitar Hero Mobile game, so if anyone happens to have a copy of the .jar file that works with the i335, let me know!

So yeah, if anyone's got any good intel on hacking Motorola phones (Specifically the i335), I'm all earz!


David 6 August 2009 Reply

lulwut, not even a domain name.

irawk 6 August 2009 Reply

Yeasrsly, but it’s still awesome

Zappy 7 August 2009 Reply

What kind of games did you hack into it?

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