Hooollllyyyyy crap, where to begin? It’s been so long and so much has happened. To be honest, I’d forgotten this site, for a while. I have thought of you guys many times over the years, but had forgotten the website’s name and couldn’t find it again. I just recently went deep into my Gmail archives and finally found it.
Anyways, I don’t have too much time just now, I’m actually heading to bed as I have work tomorrow. My wife (Yeah, I got married!) will be expecting me so I must go. More to come!
One Comment
u wot m8
Err, that makes like the 3rd? or 4th? person on/was on this site that’s married? Congrats!
No, you didn’t miss anything. Most of the site has been replaced by the Skype chat, it’s slightly unfortunate.
Also since most of the community plays nothing except League of Legends or new release titles on consoles… there’s not that many blogs anymore.
Shame really.