A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far Far Away…

By In Uncategorized

Reading my old blog posts, I feel as if I’m reading something from another life. So much has changed since I last blogged that I can’t even recognize my old self anymore. In many aspects of my life I’ve done a complete 180.

Politically, I’ve gone from a far-right leaning conservative to the opposite end of the spectrum to ultimately come back somewhere in the middle, and I’m pretty much completely fed up with politics in general.

Musically, where I once listened to a narrow breadth of rock artists, I have branched out to all areas of music. From rock to hip-hop to rap to (*gasp*) even country, my playlists include a large variety.

I’m still a gamer, although I’ve come to devote less and less time to sitting in front of a computer screen. When I do play, it’s usually more casual games, like the flash games I play on slow days at work or Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 3DS. When I do sit down at the computer I often play Terraria, Minecraft, or Age of Mythology. I’m really looking forward to picking up Pokemon Y when I have the cash.

I’ve gone from being a loner with no plans for the future to being happily married to the most wonderful friend I’ve ever met. We’ve already got plans to start a family, and as early as next year we are looking to move out of Florida, hopefully to Tennessee.

In the past I was deeply religious, actively involved in my church and always looking to further my spirituality. Over the past three years, I have become increasingly disillusioned with the culture of religion and distanced myself from church and my beliefs in general. I’ve started asking questions that a younger me never would, looking for answers the old me wasn’t interested in finding. Where I once thought I had it all figured out, I am now convinced I know nothing. And where once that would scare me, it now thrills me.

Everything’s changed in the past couple of years but I suppose in that aspect, everything’s the same. Life has always been a roller coaster of changes, but it’s always interesting to go back and look at the past with a new perspective. I can’t wait to see where the future takes me next!

One Comment

darkness 14 October 2013 Reply

‘Tis good to see you’ve got a future.

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