Oh I just can't wait to be King

By In Uncategorized

Hi guys, I feel like talking about my school's Photography club today.

Quick history.
I joined my school in 2007 and I've to stay there till 2010 where i graduate. Next year that is. So anyway, when I first joined the club.. It was lame. Like really lame. I guess I can't blame the teacher, cos she herself doesn't know anything about photography. Well, that was a whole year wasted. Like -snap-. Learnt nothing. Zeo.

Then in early 2008 I had two new seniors join the club. One of them had a Nikon D80. He knew some stuff and messed around with us. By us, I meant the people in the club who were interested. Which is like four out of maybe thirty. Very fail. So yeah… We had alot of talks, like plans for the future. Like have better juniors, more camera equipment and get better ourselves. Oh and yeah, it was thanks to this two seniors who motivated me to get my dslr. I've never regretted it since. I think i'm acctually going to make this into a career.

So yeah, this year 2009. We had a change of cca teacher. I thought that would be good. But no… It was bad. I kinda lost my faith in adults/teachers. I mean he promised us that he would help the club and everything else, but in the end, they were empty words. I thought that all this while, the club was achieving anything, cos we as students, weren't taking action. So we talked to the teacher in charge and he was like yes yes, sure sure. Did you know that teachers are damn good at sweet talking? I learnt that the hard way. I tried really hard to get noticed. I love photography and I really wanted the club in my school to become something, not a slacking club for CCA points.

I went to a local online forum for photography and ranted there. I asked for help on how to improve my cca. The link is here. It was going well, then my teacher asked to talk to me. He said I was badmouthing the school's name and him. There were a whole lot of other stuffs. He threatened to sue me too.

I don't like him.

Well anyways, I realised from this that, life, you have to depend on yourself to get things done. Superiors don't always help you. And even if it's not within your power to make things happen, you have to try anyway. I tried really hard for the school. Things are slightly better now i guess. We have a photo exhibtion coming along. It's a really small one, with like below 20 photos but it's a huge improvement as compared to before.

On a side track… I realised that life has alot to teach you. When people tell you things like "Learn from experience", are you guys learning? Life isn't perfect or fair, but I've this really strong faith that it works out in the end. To me, even simple things like losing a friend, I find that if you persist somehow, things will always work out and you'll find someone in the end.

On another side track, my parents don't support me in photography. They say it's a risky venture and I may not be able to feed myself off it. I don't like studying. I mean who does right? But i don't bother. My grades slide around. I could probably get A's, but I just can't be bothered. I see people around who are studying their asses off and I ask them a simple question.

"Do you want to go Poly or JC?"
"Because I don't know what I want to do/ JC has a higher chance of going to Uni./ You earn more money after going to JC."
(Btw, Poly is like taking courses on what you want to do while JC is further studies.)

So many people I know don't know what they want to be, so they're like just studying non-stop because they've been brainwashed that studying further = papers = more money = better llife. I don't see it that way. I really love photography, and I believe that it's going to be right for me. But so many people out there are discourgaing me, telling me that I am an idealist. They say that my country is realistic and that I have to be realistic to follow. In singapore, the arts isn't that high of an importance as compared to science/business/whatever. The bands don't make it big, singers stay local, dancers stay local etc etc. In short, you don't get anywhere.

But I think I'm going to take a risk in my life and go with photography. I hope I'm making sense because I feel that I'm jumping from point to point -.-

Lion King Ftw.


Nass 28 November 2009 Reply

It’s like my mom and me taking writing seriously.

JrRepty 28 November 2009 Reply

Ikr. What you plan to do about writing?

Nass 28 November 2009 Reply

At first I was thinking about putting it on as a profession.

But now I’m not so sure…

JrRepty 28 November 2009 Reply

What, why! I mean, don’t let others discourage you for what you want.

Nass 28 November 2009 Reply

But my cooperate greed instincts come in the way.
I still wanna make money, not just sell 400 copies of my first book. =/

FunnyFroggy 28 November 2009 Reply

WTF 2010!? 😐


Seniors graduate in 2010… 😐

JrRepty 28 November 2009 Reply

Haha, then maybe you should trust yourself to be a best selling author. Or make writing part time. Or you could write for magazines, newspapers etc. I mean stuff like writing ain’t easy. Either you make it or break it.

Haha froggy, it’s Singapore. We have a different system :p

Gujju 28 November 2009 Reply

I saw the title and i was like, WIN

Go with your heart Regina, I have seen some of your pictures on facebook (I know, such a stalker) and they really are good. I wish you the best of luck 🙂

JrRepty 29 November 2009 Reply

Yeah, Lion king is always win 😀

Thanks, I know Mulan right? “Follow your heart.” 😀 Well, I have stalked your Fb too… Just that you don’t kn- Oops.

Arladerus 30 November 2009 Reply

Read title;


Joaco 30 November 2009 Reply

I think you should study a career. After that, you can move to photography.

You see, photographers have their ups and downs. Sometimes you won’t get paid, and sometimes it won’t be enough. So a background career would be helpful.

It’s like bungee jumping without the “bungee”. Who knows, maybe you will survive, or maybe not.

JrRepty 1 December 2009 Reply

Woah, you are right. Hmmm, that makes sense. Like a safety net mmm. Thanks Joaco 😀

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