Hey guys, just wondering, how do you all live your life?
I mean yeah, I'm fifteen going sixteen, does that count as a kid?
Anyway, this is the year I take my O levels that somehow is an "important path deciding your future career".
Are paper qualifications THAT important?
I have no idea.
Some of you guys here are older than me, right? I mean, i read the blogs and I'm like gosssh.
Getting married? Work? It's all so :O.
It's so so confusing. What if you (I) make wrong choice and screw up life?
That's how my school/country/parents/friends make it seem.
You fail O's…. You fail in your future.
I've been playing around with photography and the idea of working as a photographer really appeals to me.
But everyone lately has been discouraging me.
Parents – "Go to university and get the damn papers."
Friends – "Being a photographer won't feed you."
Relatives – "Oh cool, photographer."
More friends – "You should do something more stable."
Another thing the people around me have been harping around is my…. Potential.
No, I'm no child genius. There is only a unused potential there cos I don't work my fullest.
I duno, a generous amount of laziness, a kiss of stubbornness. Mix it up. Tada.
First it was just a friend telling me how he felt I was a waste.
It slapped me like the way you walk around this street corner whistling happily and bam!
A truck just rams you down.
A waste?
Sure, I always knew i was lazy and all, but a WASTE?
What a mess.
Anyway, I want to rant 😀
This rant goes to those people who whine. About everything. Their life. How their day sucked cos they're stressed by homework. Or because they feel fat. After eating a five course meal. To put it simply, idiots who whine about the stuff they do that they could actually change themselves. Idiots, who after you tell them they can change because it's their fault, get pissed off at you for your advice. Yeah.
I have a theory in life. It may not be true, but it gets me along. Keeps me sane, happy and grateful. And of course like most theories, there are always exceptions. There's a balance in life right? If you social life sucks, your family is probably doing well. If you're having family problems, your friends are probably okay and cool. Or you have problems with both. Maybe you got a girlfriend or boyfriend to keep you sane. Whatever it is, i believe there's always something good that's happening in your life during the crisis.
Maybe some of you people out there have really really BAD lives. That's possible. But before i go to that, let me give you an example of (some) people I know around me.
So A likes to complain about her life. She has really bad time management. Like really bad. Therefore everyday she complains about the same thing. Not having enough time, feeling tired, stressed about studies and finally, feeling fat. Okay the thing about not having enough time is that there's 24 hours in a day. For students like us, it's bull really. There is always enough time. There is only bad time management. Maybe in the working life it's different. I have no idea. But for us, me and A, we def have enough time. A's complains about stress are just…. Stupid. She complains, people advise her, she complains, people advise her…. The cycle goes on till she gets pissed off. Did i mention she has a very short temper and get pissed off when people don't listen to her and all? And finally, my favourite. Her weight. She is kinda chubby, but I wouldn't really call her fat. The point is, at every chance she gets, so complains to the whole world how fat she is, how much she's eating and expects you to say stuff like "Oh, you're not fat" or "I wouldn't call you fat"….. Yeah. It never changes.
The end result: She thinks life sucks because it's so stressful. She can't waits for O's to be over so that she can be less stressed during the holidays. She hates school because it's a never ending cycle of studies. She also wants to lose weight, but she eats all the time.
Basically most people I know are like that. Of course they aren't as bad as A, but you get the rough idea. They're not happy with what they have and they just complain all. the. time. I know VuTales is a place where quite a number like to rant and I'm not dissing anyone of you guys at all. I'm dissing people who complain when they don't know the real meaning of "Life sucking" and don't see how they can change their lives for the better. When I see them, it's like a never ending cycle of stress weighting down on their shoulders, pulling them down all the time.
Remember what I said about the balance thing. I think it really is true, depending on perspective and all.
Imagine a scenerio whereby B has the perfect family while C comes from a broken family.
C is jealous of B for having the parents C never had.
At one point of view, it may be seen that C's life is unfair as compared to B's.
But on a another point of view, C doesn't have to suffer the pain of losing your loved ones like B will in the future.
See my point? It's harsh, but that's life yeah?
I won't deny it though, of course I would rather be in B's shoes.
Who wouldn't? But the point of this is, life IS fair.
It's just how you see it.
So I duno, what do you guys think? Is this the wrong way of seeing things? I try to see things fairly. And not to judge too easily. It helps, a lot. I think some might argue and say that the instance about B and C is bull, because how can anyone be happy without family. I duno, i guess, make the best out of what you have. Everything that happens has a good and bad point. The way we see it is the way society made us to see it i think.
So, is life fair?
Yes, I think it is, just perhaps not the way you define "fair".
marriage was an April Fool’s, btw
“Making music never fed anyone.”
“No, they didn’t, but it really got people laid.”
In the face of serious questions, troll them. Troll them so bad, they regret asking it.
I like your point of view.
Life isn’t fair but what can be, should be.
I never got it when idiots use that excuse to shaft you. “Give me your chocolate, I lost mine!” screamed the bully. “That’s not fair!” whined the victim. “Life isn’t fair, HAH HAH!” joked the bully. “Well, you’re still a dumb ass who has to feed a recurring problem instead of being a good person. Enjoy your fucking chocolate, jackass.”
I can’t agree with you more Reggy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten a lecture like this from family members, friends, etc.
To summarize: Shit happens, shut the fuck up about your opinions, and go doing something useful with your time.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone.
I positively cant stand people who bitch about their lives. Especially when it is something so trivial, or something pretty much everyone has to go through. I get really peeved with people with generally comfortable lives whine about thier life sucking when thier parents yell at them for something that wont even matter in a few days.
I always had this outlook on life. It could always be worse. And when you finally meet people who have reason to complain because their lives genuinely do suck, you learn to deal with the little problems thrown at you and be grateful for things being the way they are.
/tiny rant.
As for you Regina, I say the only thing you really can do is keep on doing what you believe. You cant get through to people who think your future is bleak or people who complain when they dont want to act to change the way things are. I think everyone needs to realize these kinds of things on own. Some take thier sweet time figuring things out, others are more quick to the draw.
Life is not fair. Not in any kind of light. And it never can be so end of story.
@ Alraderous, doesn’t matter, it was just an example. Marriage, work, LIFE.
@ Merovign, all “arts” section face the same problems eh.
@ Ganzicus, thanks 😀
@ Dustin, totally man. Haha, like make the best out of things, right?
@ Nass, ikr. I made another rant about this on my blog a while back. Then i used the reference of life not being able to give you a BJ 🙂
@ Lithium, selective advice listening? ;D
@ Gujju, Totally agree with this 😀 Some people out there don’t realise that there are people with lives who suck way more than theirs ever would. A shame for those people really. Thanks, I think you’re right, that i have to realise this myself. I think it’s also possibly right that I choose my own future and pay for any mistakes I make.
@ Dee, you might be right. It’s all in our minds, is it?
Alright so like, I got 2 Fs.
I need to study harder.
I met an A once. She was a new acquaintance. I could see everyone else being way too nice to her, so when she started complaining about her fatness for the fifth time, I just snapped at her, “Look, if you want to lose fat, you can either whine about it, or you can do it.” No, she didn’t like me after that. But she’s not the kind of person I’d want to talk to at length anyway.
Anyway, you want to do photography, I want to break into 3d animation. Everyone tells me I can’t survive on that too, but I say, bullshit. Jobs will be available if you know where to look and how to get them, and if you have the skillz. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either very unlucky or simply incompetent. Anyway if you really want to do it and you believe you have the talent, just do it, and don’t let anyone bring you down.
I hate the way it works too, because while O levels is a good indicator of academic intelligence, in other areas it’s not so accurate, and after you get to JC/Poly no one will give a crap about how well you did for your O levels. But that’s the way our current society works, and even if you don’t like it, going with the flow will make your life a whole lot easier. While I don’t think your life will get destroyed if you fail your O levels (you can always take it again anyway), it’s an important stepping stone alright, not to mention the path of least resistance.
I always thought life was tied in with karma: when good things happen, karma bites you in the ass even if you didnt do anything and throws you down a bit.
When is life ever fair?
Life is a give and take cycle with a hint of cause and effect.
Life is unfair- the world is unequal.
The reality is that there are people who are born and/or raised in fortunate homes, while others can be born unfortunate (e.g handicap, disabled) and can live their lifetime in hardship. Many of us who are raised in good environments take for granted things that we don’t realise, until those things are taken away from us.
Thus, bereavement can be the greatest eye-opening for people who are blind to the value of their life.
@ Reve, Woah, i would never dare do that to A. I like to keep… A healthy but distanced relationship with people around me 🙂 Works out easier this way. Thanks for your advice 🙂 It made hell lot of sense, esp about O’s being a stepping stone.
@ Wolfboy, karma like, even if good things happen to you, you get bad things too?
@ Aaru, Give and take cycle. Actually i think, as long as you don’t sit there and whine about your life, whether you feel it’s fair or not, it’s all cool. As long as you accept it and flow?
@ Quang, would it be possible to argue that those born unfortunate will never get the kind of hardships we (who are “normal”) get? Like if you’re mentally disabled, you may have difficulties doing normal things we do, but you’ll never face the stress of growing up, expectations etc etc.
But again my point goes back to that life is unequal isn’t it? Biological or environmental inequalities or whatnot ends up the same conclusion of my point, although probably environmental inequalities (e.g bereavement of a family member) is probably more harmful throughout lifetimes.
In cases like that having social support in general is crucial for the development of the person’s well-beings
Hmmm, does unequal relates to unfairness though? Unequal could be such that no one has the same lives (with different pros and cons), but it wouldn’t really mean that our lives were unfair (in the context whereby one’s life is better than the other).