Can't read my face nananana

By In Uncategorized

The bell rings before I step into class and in my mind, I smile. It’s cool to be late. Some heads look up as I step in; attracted by the movement they spot from the corner of their eye. They look back soon after, glad that it’s not the teacher who walks in. I stride slowly to my seat at the back of the class, pausing to greet a few friends and ruffle Luke’s hair. As I approach my sitting area, my body relaxes slightly and I smile the first warm smile that reaches my eyes to my sitting partner, Georgina. She smiles back and we engage in small talk, having not spoken since the start of the weekends. The teacher steps in soon and lessons begin.

The bell signaling for recess rings. I motion to Georgina that I’m going to the canteen and she nods lightly. Before I stand, I ensure my uniform is slightly tucked out, my fringe goes past my eyebrows and a mask devoid of emotions is on my face. As I walk towards the front door, my hands swing lightly at my side and I throw in a slight swagger in my walk. That was the easy part.

When I exit from the classroom, I increase the swagger in my walk and constantly remind myself that it’s the uniform that is two sizes bigger, not me being oversized. People are everywhere. Sitting on the benches outside the classrooms, buzzing in their classes, kicking a ball along the corridor. I avoid eye contact with the popular clique and hurry down the stairs. While praying I don’t meet anyone awkward, I almost bump into someone. I soon realize, it’s someone I stopped talking to a year ago. We exchange quick greetings and I leave feeling unnerved. Deciding that the long route pass the hall would ensure that I avoid further confrontations with my past, I am pleased to canteen safely.

I queue up at my favourite store and silently will the queue to move faster, all the while standing in a very relaxed manner, acting as though I have nothing to care for in the world. I let out a tiny breath of relief as I buy my food and decide to walk the longer, but more isolated path back to class. Without any more nonsense, I reach my class. Luke teases me about my hair, making me horribly insecure. Yet, infront of him, I play it off and tease him back. My mask almost slips. Almost. But it holds on tight and we keep up with the ribbing while dragging others into our silly game. The bell rings again, signaling the end of recess. Lessons go on, with time seeming to drag the hands of the minute hand as it tries to move forward. Just another day of school.


Okay so, school. I don’t know about you guys, but dressing is important, no? Singapore keeps the uniform system till you’re done with secondary school. My last year then. Next year it’s home clothes in school. Which kinda scares me SHITLESS. Because wtf am I supposed to wear. If I wear something that’s not super short shorts or some mini skirt shit, are people gonna look at me and go. OMGLOOKATTHATGIRLSHE’SWEARINGPANTSTHATACTUALLYREACHESHERKNEES. So fucked.

Anyway, you can say that this little short story was written with all the self confidence shit in school and society of people looking at you. It’s not really this way for me in school, just kind of. But then again, isn’t it this way for most people? Except for the people that you’re really comfortable with right? Awesome people they are indeed.

So what’s an important lesson I’ve learnt? If even if you’re not cool, act like you are. 😀


tarheel91 10 September 2010 Reply

In my experience, the older you get, the more comfortable you are exposing more of your body (for both men and women). Of course, after a certain point you reach a limit.

Arladerus 10 September 2010 Reply

You have a swagger? o_o

pix plz

Wolfboy183 10 September 2010 Reply

if you dont feel cool, then everybody else can kiss your ass 😀
Standards are a means of insecurity

Pirkid 11 September 2010 Reply

yur a girl wat

Unless you’re a guy wanting to wear a mini-skirt, THAT’S TOTALLY FINE, I AM NOT DISCRIMINATING

But uh…who gives a load? Wear what you want, it’s not them that has to breathe and sweat and live in it for the whole day.

David 11 September 2010 Reply

You’re name is Regina right?

Merovign 11 September 2010 Reply


JrRepty 11 September 2010 Reply

Ehhhhhh, the swagger thing was made up lulz. Girls don’t swagger ;D Or do they hmmmm…

@David, yeah reginaaaaaaaaaaa.

@Darren, i got into tp by dpa already. Visual comm 😀

snowhamster 11 September 2010 Reply

lolol I know how you feel.

I wish I had uniforms because that way I don’t have to spend 5 minutes in front of my closet going:

Me said: Okay. It’s going to be hot outside so I should probably wear capri or shorts. I wore my only pair of capri 2 days in a row already, but I don’t want to wear basketball shorts because that’d be too lazy so my only other choice would be short shorts and I don’t like short shorts because it reveals too much. I’ll just wear these jeans. To help prevent overheating in jeans, I’ll just wear a white T-shirt. No nevermind it looks too casual, I’ll wear this nice dress shirt. BUT WAIT, this makes my butt look big. Dammit. How about THIS shirt? It looks nice and covers my ass. Oh wait, I wore this a few days ago though.


Dest1 11 September 2010 Reply

I know you got yo’ slow swagger goin’ on and such, but can you please walk faster?

Gujju 11 September 2010 Reply

scuse me.
Im a girl and i got swagger, plenty

xXyZaThEx 11 September 2010 Reply

But do you look like Mick Jagger?

Didn’t THINK so. Get your ass on the curb.

JrRepty 12 September 2010 Reply

Swaggers were made to be slooooooooooooooow.

Gujju, why don’t you post up a video of you walking 😀 Or running. Maybe skating ;D

Heh, hamster. How do you spend only 5 mins there :/ Doesn’t it drive you crazy on wtf to put on without feeling weird for the rest of the day?

What’s with mick!

dee32693 21 September 2010 Reply


i jsut go “hmmm heres a bottom heres a top there we go” and i wear it.

of course today i came to the horrifying realization that the yoga pants i was wearing made ti look like i was wearing any underwear (i was!!!). it was terrible 🙁

but yeah other than that, clothing picking is easy

dacarlover 2 October 2010 Reply

I dont recommend you change your clothing style based on what others think of you.
peer pressure is rarely a good thing, stick to your own style, don’t change for the sake of others, dress with what you think is decent enough and your good to go.

you shouldn’t follow someone else’ style, be yourself, best style evarr

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