I must say, I'm impressed

By In Uncategorized

You've outdone yourself Bryan. VuTales, in all honesty, looks marvelous. The extra freedom compared to the sites Bogdan runs is a breath of fresh air. For one thing, I'm glad we can upload any avatars we want, I been wantin to use this Death the Kid avatar [a character from the anime/manga Soul Eater] somewhere for ages. Lo and behold, two guns are declared "distracting" on Basil.

I'm sure there's at least a few here who don't know me, so…

The name's Abtin, otherwise known as Kazoothebat, one of the few remaining mods on Basil [3 quit recently, all at once >_>].


Pirkid 24 May 2009 Reply

So..you’re one of the safe ones now.

Blackboy0 24 May 2009 Reply

I’m Blackboy0. I’m more known on WoW sites 😉

Nice to see you on VuTales 🙂

Dest1 24 May 2009 Reply

I’m Dest1, I’m a kid.

Kazoo 24 May 2009 Reply
Pirkid said: So..you’re one of the safe ones now.

Indeed. Boggy did alotta stuff over time that really showed me he likes to shit on his mods, but I stayed regardless, mostly cuz bein a mod on Basil is still somewhat entertaining.

I joined that site in…November or December ’06. I remember MMOTales, and I remember visitin the site a few times, but I never got the chance to start an acct there. 😐

SirPainsalot 24 May 2009 Reply

hay thar
Welcome to VuTales, meng.
I would post the welcome committee, but I feel lazy! :3
I saw the blog and stuff about you on Profil3.
Dun worry, we don’t like flaming.
Well maybe Max but..

Vusys 24 May 2009 Reply

There will be an update on site rules soon. They won’t be major, just obvious things. I’m a avid supporter of free speech and personal responsibility, and VuTales will reflect those values.

Pirkid 24 May 2009 Reply
Vusys said: There will be an update on site rules soon. They won’t be major, just obvious things. I’m a avid supporter of free speech and personal responsibility, and VuTales will reject those values.

VuTales WILL reject free speech and personal responsibility? o.O

Vusys 24 May 2009 Reply
Pirkid said:

Vusys said: There will be an update on site rules soon. They won’t be major, just obvious things. I’m a avid supporter of free speech and personal responsibility, and VuTales will reject those values.

VuTales WILL reject free speech and personal responsibility? o.O


Pillarian slip…

Dest1 25 May 2009 Reply
Vusys said:

Pirkid said:

Vusys said: There will be an update on site rules soon. They won’t be major, just obvious things. I’m a avid supporter of free speech and personal responsibility, and VuTales will reject those values.

VuTales WILL reject free speech and personal responsibility? o.O


Pillarian slip…


guosim 25 May 2009 Reply

Welcome <3

Don’t mind me, I’m just a random lurker lululul.

MasterCheeze 25 May 2009 Reply

Hey there. ;O

darkness 25 May 2009 Reply

Welcome, Kazoo. I’m darkness, and it’s an honor to meet you.

Jil 25 May 2009 Reply

Hey, Kazoo.

I’m the one that helped you… do that thing… 🙂

Aaron 25 May 2009 Reply

Herro, nise tew meets yew.

FunnyFroggy 25 May 2009 Reply

I r Froggy.

Welcome to VuTales, or VT, or Voracious Monsters. Yes, we’re all hungry hungry hippos.

…so i herd u liek mudkipz?

Kazoo 25 May 2009 Reply
FunnyFroggy said: I r Froggy.

Welcome to VuTales, or VT, or Voracious Monsters. Yes, we’re all hungry hungry hippos.

…so i herd u liek mudkipz?

Yes, I fucking love mudkips. And memes. And the fact that we can freely swear and post memes here. Ya gotta repress all those urges when you’re a mod on Basil, unfortunately. =(

Also, @everybody: Nice to meet you all. ^^

Mipsacri 25 May 2009 Reply

The name is Mip.
Nice to meetcha, hope you enjoy it here, where it isn’t under the oppression of Mr. Basil.
And, sorry for screwin’ with yer shit, I know alot of us have posted things just to piss Bogdan off on Basil, and as a mod, I apologize if you got stuck in the middle of that.
We’re kind’ve like bitter old people, just with young people? It’s odd.

Anywho, welcome.


Lithium 25 May 2009 Reply

Hi Kazoo, I’ve heard some bad things about you.
-Sharpens knife-
…Oh, what? He’s not evil?
Oh sorry.

Welcome to VuTales, where no one has any form of intelligence.

Aaron 25 May 2009 Reply

Hey hey, I take offense to that! I has a brain you know!

Chameleon 25 May 2009 Reply

The question is, however, do you USE it? xD

Aaron 25 May 2009 Reply

🙁 You made me think! Thinking hurts my head!

Pirkid 25 May 2009 Reply
Aaron said: 🙁 You made me think! Thinking hurts my head!

Which is why you FAIL

Kazoo 25 May 2009 Reply

It’s only been a day that I joined, and I really like this site. :3 I read some stuff on the badges and future features here, and it all looks promising.

@Mip: I uhh, well, I have had to clean some Bogdan-hate done by MMOTales members on Basil in the past, but I felt sympathetic at the same time. I mean, the guy has at least a dozen other dead sites that never gained any popularity yet still receive server-funding on his part. It looks to me like he deleted MMOT more cuz he was afraid of the userbase risin up against him. And honestly, I’m startin to think his whole double-life-keep-it-secret complex is a mental disorder.

Quang 25 May 2009 Reply

Ah nice to meet you.Vutales is simply another site which strives for the ideals Basil doesn’t have. Most of the features here are favored towards the majority of Vutalers here. Although we hope for the better, let’s hope it doesn’t fall down a similar path to Basil’s.

Anyways, how is it going in Basil?

Kazoo 25 May 2009 Reply
Quang said: Ah nice to meet you.Vutales is simply another site which strives for the ideals Basil doesn’t have. Most of the features here are favored towards the majority of Vutalers here. Although we hope for the better, let’s hope it doesn’t fall down a similar path to Basil’s.

Anyways, how is it going in Basil?

Well, what I’m about to say shouldn’t surprise you, but:

3 mods quit, and MrB is “on vacation”. He decided to “leave home” immediately after offering moderatorship to 2 users that the rest of us agreed upon. Those 2 accepted the job, ‘cept MrB is nowhere to be found to actually promote them. Good fucking timing.

I been havin to pickup alotta slack to compensate for the loss, so I’m jugglin goin on here and watchin Paranoia Agent to take my mind off things. In other words, Basil goes not so well atm. 😐

Ezyan 25 May 2009 Reply

Hey, I’m Ez, and I hated Basil. 8D

If for no other reason than I suck at selling stuff.

VuTales > Basil. 🙂

spygirl57 25 May 2009 Reply

welcome. 😀
I’m spigurl!
So yeah.

SirMeepster 25 May 2009 Reply


Arladerus 26 May 2009 Reply

Welcome! I got some rare items for sale, stranger!

dee32693 26 May 2009 Reply

Why hello there! 8D I’m dee3198130591u9431920u14929i5939t34bunchanumbers5309529385

Spy >O

Quang 26 May 2009 Reply
Ezyan said: Hey, I’m Ez, and I hated Basil. 8D

If for no other reason than I suck at selling stuff.

VuTales > Basil. 🙂

I can see why you’re not good at trading 🙂
The functionality of basil were great once- but now it seems to be going downhill.

Ezyan 26 May 2009 Reply
Quang said: I can see why you’re not good at trading 🙂

Haha, why do you think I got other guildies to sell stuff for me? xDDDDDD

Nass 26 May 2009 Reply

Hey Kazoo.

I’m Nass.

Nass 27 May 2009 Reply
Kazoo said:

@Mip: I uhh, well, I have had to clean some Bogdan-hate done by MMOTales members on Basil in the past, but I felt sympathetic at the same time. I mean, the guy has at least a dozen other dead sites that never gained any popularity yet still receive server-funding on his part. It looks to me like he deleted MMOT more cuz he was afraid of the userbase risin up against him. And honestly, I’m startin to think his whole double-life-keep-it-secret complex is a mental disorder.

Holy shit!

You may have deleted my thread then! Or at least locked it.


I love you.

(Then Bogdan deleted my account)

DarkDragoon 30 May 2009 Reply

Hola Kazoo
enjoy thy stay :]
Nice avy(Soul Eater Fan here too)

Kazoo 31 May 2009 Reply
Nass said:

Kazoo said:

@Mip: I uhh, well, I have had to clean some Bogdan-hate done by MMOTales members on Basil in the past, but I felt sympathetic at the same time. I mean, the guy has at least a dozen other dead sites that never gained any popularity yet still receive server-funding on his part. It looks to me like he deleted MMOT more cuz he was afraid of the userbase risin up against him. And honestly, I’m startin to think his whole double-life-keep-it-secret complex is a mental disorder.

Holy shit!

You may have deleted my thread then! Or at least locked it.


I love you.

(Then Bogdan deleted my account)

Ah yes, the “Dear Captain” letters. That was a monstrous mass of shit to clean up.

DarkDragoon said: Hola Kazoo
enjoy thy stay :]
Nice avy(Soul Eater Fan here too)

Thanks, was wonderin when someone would comment on the avatar. xD

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