I Hate Guilds

By In Uncategorized

Well, as you all know in my last blog I was a level 49 Wind Archer too lazy to level up to level 50. Well, I used 2x exp at cpq, and got 389 exp/kill with max trojans…or something like that. Now I'm level 66 with about 45%. I started to use the PYPQ bot like Nass said haha. It makes everything a lot easier, and I will probably be level 70 in 2 days or maybe less.

What music do you guys listen to? I feel like my inner emo is coming out, because I'm finding myself listening to Hollywood Undead and emo-like music. It's not really screamo, but it's making me feel emo D:

I don't cut myself yet, though. It's all good.

Anyway today in MapleStory I joined a guild, but I don't remember the name. We were going to BPQ, but then everybody died, so I left. Then they all wanted to GPQ, and I got so freaking bored of it. We weren't even strong enough to kill the boss. We had a level 88, 74, 72, 66, 56, 52, and 30. Here's what went down. My internet crashed because I was so bored.

Guildie #1: Let's go GPQ!
Guildie #2-5 & Me: Kk

So then we all met up at the GPQ place. We made it to the stage with the statues.

Me: Alt+F4


Guildie #1: Wb
Guildie #2: Yay now we have another person!
Guildie #3: CC6


So it turns out they never got passed the statue part which didn't make me feel any better. So I gave them another chance.

We never passed. So after 15 minutes, I had to go (lies).

And thats why I hate guilds as of today. I'm afraid to log back on now.



Pepper 28 March 2010 Reply

I would have jumped in a pit of crocodiles if I were you.

tarheel91 28 March 2010 Reply

That’s pathetic. GPQ runs took no more than 15 minutes (record for my guild was 7, I think), back when I did it.

lahdeedah2 28 March 2010 Reply

It was soo boring haha.

Spade 28 March 2010 Reply

System of a Down.

Wolfboy183 28 March 2010 Reply

on World of warcraft, in a raiding guild, you have LESS privelige for boss loot than a random guy who joins the raid group

Nass 28 March 2010 Reply

Told ya man.
PyPQ bot is the best.

I’m chilling until Evan comes out, playing that for a while while I wait for hacks. Then getting back on track.

Vusys 29 March 2010 Reply
tarheel91 said: That’s pathetic. GPQ runs took no more than 15 minutes (record for my guild was 7, I think), back when I did it.

Jesus christ.

When I played Maple, GPQ was a 1 and a half hour ordeal, not including actually getting people there on time.

tarheel91 29 March 2010 Reply
Vusys said:

tarheel91 said: That’s pathetic. GPQ runs took no more than 15 minutes (record for my guild was 7, I think), back when I did it.

Jesus christ.

When I played Maple, GPQ was a 1 and a half hour ordeal, not including actually getting people there on time.

We were the top GPQ guild in Broa, haha. We had it DOWN.

lahdeedah2 29 March 2010 Reply
Nass said: Told ya man.
PyPQ bot is the best.

I’m chilling until Evan comes out, playing that for a while while I wait for hacks. Then getting back on track.

The best was MPQ Hack. Freaking ridiculous.

darkness 29 March 2010 Reply

It just means that your guild has a lack of coordination.

It’s quite common for the ragtag or standard guild to struggle at the first stage; the guilds I’ve been in spent up to an hour on it at times (but they improved).

lahdeedah2 29 March 2010 Reply

The leader wanted us to shout the number statue we had. It looked something like this:

#1: 1
#2: 2
#3: 2
#4: 4
#5: 3
#6: 5

It was horrible haha

DarkDragoon 29 March 2010 Reply


GPQ…I remember I used to be so good at the first stage ;D
My guild used to be extremely pro, of course best way too tackle first stage is 2 people with rest shutting the hell up.
And now I remembered my friends solo first stage…twas epic.

tarheel91 29 March 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: http://www.endlessyoutube.com/watch?v=hMXaE9NtQgg

GPQ…I remember I used to be so good at the first stage ;D
My guild used to be extremely pro, of course best way too tackle first stage is 2 people with rest shutting the hell up.
And now I remembered my friends solo first stage…twas epic.

The best way is actually 2 statues per person. Avoids accidents caused by lag, but still remains quick. This assumes, of course, everyone knows what they’re doing. I can say this with certainty because my old guild tested out a variety of set ups, and 2 statues per person beat out any other formation.

Nass 29 March 2010 Reply
lahdeedah2 said:

Nass said: Told ya man.
PyPQ bot is the best.

I’m chilling until Evan comes out, playing that for a while while I wait for hacks. Then getting back on track.

The best was MPQ Hack. Freaking ridiculous.

Best glitch was the OPQ glitch.

Best the best money maker was the Chaos Scroll shit during the Perfect Pitch event.


That will be you if you keep experimenting with that kind of music.

Wolfboy183 30 March 2010 Reply

@Tarheel. I was on Broa. I was in the guild Reign, and KingdomOfMS. GPQ’s were friggin’ nightmare. I remember one, it went for like THREE HOURS. I even was in a GPQ on Aquilia (MapleSEA) and due to time zone differences, I was up playing at 3am since the guild wanted to do it at 4pm (Singapore time).
I hated GPQ, in face I hated all PQ’s. Especially the Pirate PQ. that was such a crap fest, and the exp from it was literally next to nothing.

I just remember i made a website about maple story here
I even made a KPQ guide.
and i even made a fan web page.
My toons were Wolfboy183 and Wolfboy184.

tarheel91 31 March 2010 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: @Tarheel. I was on Broa. I was in the guild Reign, and KingdomOfMS. GPQ’s were friggin’ nightmare. I remember one, it went for like THREE HOURS. I even was in a GPQ on Aquilia (MapleSEA) and due to time zone differences, I was up playing at 3am since the guild wanted to do it at 4pm (Singapore time).
I hated GPQ, in face I hated all PQ’s. Especially the Pirate PQ. that was such a crap fest, and the exp from it was literally next to nothing.

I just remember i made a website about maple story here
I even made a KPQ guide.
and i even made a fan web page.
My toons were Wolfboy183 and Wolfboy184.

Remember Guildless? That was my guild.


Edit: You posted on that blog. How fitting.

Vusys 31 March 2010 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: @Tarheel. I was on Broa. I was in the guild Reign, and KingdomOfMS. GPQ’s were friggin’ nightmare. I remember one, it went for like THREE HOURS. I even was in a GPQ on Aquilia (MapleSEA) and due to time zone differences, I was up playing at 3am since the guild wanted to do it at 4pm (Singapore time).
I hated GPQ, in face I hated all PQ’s. Especially the Pirate PQ. that was such a crap fest, and the exp from it was literally next to nothing.

I just remember i made a website about maple story here
I even made a KPQ guide.
and i even made a fan web page.
My toons were Wolfboy183 and Wolfboy184.

See, this is one reason I completely don’t understand what the people at NEXON America are thinking.

PPQ is completely useless. It’s beyond useless.

First, the only prize of any note, is the +5 to all stats hat at level freakin’ 90. This hat takes 500 complete runs to get. That’s hours and hours of work. Second, while you’re using up all that time, you’re not gaining any worthwhile experience. At all. And third, the hat is utter rubbish compared to the Zakum helm, which you can technically get at level 50. I say technically, because when the game started, you had no way of getting it at 50 at all. But now, to break the game even more, you can trade it if you spent real money. You don’t even have to go to the altar.

Another thing I don’t get is why. PPQ must have taken some time to develop and test, it’s not like PQs just fall of trucks. So what’s the point in wasting time by making a PQ that by its very design is useless?

In short, PPQ is broken and NEXON ruined Maple beyond repair. To hell with NEXON.

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