My Characters

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~~~I would just like to say thanks to Vusys for getting my password back for me. I am really great that he is hear to run VuTales for us :)~~~

I have played many game over the year that MMOTales was down. I have played Runescape, Maplestory, and tried to play La Tale. MY characters on all the games I think were decent. They were all level 20+ except for on La Tale, I quit that. I will tell you about my characters and hope that you will enjoy it.

To start off with, Runescape characters. On Runescape I made many builds of characters and what not. My main character on Runescape is named "Fatal B 0 Wz". He is a hybrid build. His current stats are 55 ranged, 36 magic, 61 str, 50 att, 10 def. He is decent in duels at the dueling arena (mostly go there for fun). I haven't tried him out in Pvp though yet. I will soon try him out in pvp when im 70 str 75 range.

Secondly, Maplestory characters. On Maplestory there are many different jobs you can obtain in it. Right now, I have about 2 or 3 characters. My main character I go on is my thief. He is level 23 at the moment, but I hope to get him up to level 35 sooner or later. I'm also making a Warrior build. He is level 16 and I only made him and played on him for about 2 hours. He is going to be my fall back character if I get bored of my thief.

Lastly, La Tal characters. I have one La Tale character. I don't remember his name because I quit. So that's all the deatails on La Tale.

One Comment

dee32693 27 April 2009 Reply

i got a pirate =0

pirates are fun

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