-Turns around-
Oh hai dere! I was just finishing up this blog on the recent gaming experiences I've had with several games. Would you like me to share?
Too bad.
Let's start with a big one.
So, a lot of people were waiting for this one a long time ago before it was released in October~Novemberish. The game was in development for approximately 5 years, and had ALL the fans waiting for a long, long time. When it was released, I read a lot of mixed reviews, so I went out to try it myself. I didn't buy it or anything, no. I torrented it, because I didn't feel like using 50 bucks on a potentially bad game. So I DLed it, and started playing it. Spore is divided into 4 parts.
1. The Flow Stage
I call this the flow stage because it feels like they ripped off flow. It's basically just "OH I WANT THAT PIECE!" -Click- -Spore Creature eats it- -Levels up-
That's all there is for the first level.
The Tribal Stage
So, this is a weird stage where you Spore creature somehow learns to fight, mate, and party up with other creatures. You walk around fighting with critters, finding new parts for yourself, etc. It seems entertaining, only it's boring as hell.
The Civilization Stage
Oh dear God, what have they done?
Basically what they've done, is taken all the civilization games, mushed them all together, and made an RTS that sucks giant donkey bone. You get a land vehicle to start with, and with the help of this land vehicle, you can attack, or coerce other cities to join you. It gets REALLY boring. Luckily, there's a point meter, and after you get a certain amount of points, you can press a button, and finish the entire stage. I hit that mother fucker ASAP.
The Space Age
This is the Stage I was playing the game for, as I heard it was pretty good. Once I got there, I had to stop playing, so I shut off the game because it wouldn't let me save. After that, it glitched, and I had to restart from fucking Tribal stage. I was mad as hell.
I then just started a new game FROM the Space Age. It's got Some depth, but not a lot. Basically what you do is colonize planets, and shoot assholes in spaceships trying to steal your cookies. I dicked around for a little while, and cheated my way out of that bastard. It took me a total of 4 Hours to reach the Space Age. Holy shit.
I got more gameplay out of World of Goo than that! I'm sure you could argue about how I need to play more of it, but fuck that shit, I wasn't entertained at all. I uninstalled that bastard right away.
Assassin's Creed
-Someone calls-
What's that Gilbert? What? No, I'm not late at all! Don't be silly!
Yeah, I torrented this one too. Even though it's only like 20~30$. I'm cheap, sorry.
So, I DLed this one too. I have to say… Interesting.
I installed it, turned it on, and sat through the cut scenes. The plot seems pretty well thought out. I haven't gotten that far in the game, so I won't be able divulge too much info. The plot is that you're an ex-assassin, and these people want your brain cookies, so they stick an anal-probe into your brain to search for stuff. You play as Altair, a member of the Creed. Graphics are AWESOME. Too bad my computer can't run it too decently. =P Good game so far though. I like the assassinations. ;D
Combat Arms
Yes, I went back to Combat Arms with a new account. It still kinda blows. Start out GP is a third of what it used to be. Haven't played it in a long time. End header.
It's still awesome as hell. Next.
The World Ends with You (DS)
Oh shit, this game is awesome.
No really.
You play as Neku Sekuraba, and you team up with other people to fight monsters called noise, with PINS!
Bare with me, I know it sounds gay, but trust me. This shit… is the SHIT!
Not only does the game go super in-depth with it's battle system, but there are several things you need to do in battle.
Like, with your partner, you have to initiate a series of combos to charge a super attack. It kicks Noise ass, AND heals you.
(I love my Jesus Beam)
I recently went back to it to play some more. I then found out that beating the story line means you're HALF DONE THE ENTIRE GAME.
I was like "OMG."
It is the shit. Go check it out. DL if you have an R4 or a flash cart. The game's story line touches my heart as well. The music is also pretty kickass.
CoD5: World at War
GTA: Chinatown Wars
Holy crap, that was a huge metric ton of games. I'll be ranting some more later. Stay tuned!
CoD5 shitty!? What’s wrong with you?
Watch this if you like Assassin’s Creed xD
World of Goo is kewl. 🙁
Wow, that IS a lot of games! xD
CA gets kinda repetitive; if there was like a campaign mode then it’d be a bit below decent at the least.
you’re right, the world ends with you is a great game. i only beat the first week though..but i’m still playing xD
why the C0D5 rating? that games awesome…unless you started on hard i dont blame you haha
I gotta get a new R4 kit…i lost the flash thingy for mine.
Spore, it was pretty entertaining. Look up pokemon on Spore on youtube, people get pretty creative with the creature creator 😀
COD:W@W = Kewl… But just cos of the Nazi Zombies… I mean, who DOESN’T get a kick out of zapping Zombies with a Raygun!?