QoTW #8 – Mah Moosick

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Question: How will you describe yourself musically?
Short description: If you could use a song (or several, if you can't make up your mind, you indecisive person) to describe yourself, which would you choose? Why?

First off, let me address the fact that I indeed know how to play two instruments. I play the violin, and the guitar. To describe yourself musically is like trying to define the meaning of life. It's incredibly subjective/arbitrary. For some people it may be easy, some it may be hard, and some it may be confusing, like emos for example. They'll listen to their emo music, but sometimes they like other music too. It's not always certain. For me, I just go with whatever I like listening too. I never only listen to one band.

The Music I listen to

I like listening to a lot of rock, but I also like classical, rap, R&B, sometimes pop, etc. I occasionally listen to some Japanese/Chinese songs. Those are nice every once in a while. I have several songs that I love, and they're all from different genres of music. Once again, you can't always define your taste in music, because you only have to enjoy it to prove yourself wrong. Sometimes I'll get hooked on a song though, and listen to it like 50 times in a row xD
Here's a list of songs that I did that with:
Indestructible – Disturbed
Carry on my Wayward Son – Kansas
Shackler's Revenge – Gun's 'N Roses
Mad World – Gary Jules
Homecoming – Kanye West
Lullaby for You – Jyongri
Handlebars – Flobots
You Found Me – The Fray

That's not even the half of it, xD

The Music I play

The music I play on my violin is mostly classical stuff, as I have no perseverance when it comes to hunting down sheet music, but I love playing stuff on my guitar(s). I have an electric, and acoustic, and a classical guitar, so I can play almost anything. On my guitars, I play whatever sounds cool, impressive, or I just want to learn because it sounds nice, and would be nice to carry around in my brain. Currently I'm learning Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton, and Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold.

One Song?

Blasphemy. We're all indecisive here on this website.
If I had to pick a maximum of 2 or 3 songs, I'd pick
Have it All – Jeremy Kay
Scatman – Scatman John
I'm Yours – Jason Mraz
Pain Redifined – Disturbed

I'm a very screwed up person you see. I've had a lot of trials and tribulations in my life, and it's done no good for my body and mind. I've seen way too many things, and I know way too many things for a 13 year old. A lot of my emotions shift like a gear depending on the situation I'm in. Have it All is a song talking about someone who keeps trying to chug along on the railroad of life and believes he can find true happiness as long as he keeps searching. I'm Yours talks about how someone's completely devoted to the other. Pain Redefined… You get the picture.
The point is, as a person, I'm really diverse in my music, and I don't have a clear decisive type of music. I think most people are like this.. except for maybe weeaboos.
So yeah, that's it for me. This blog brought back a lot of painful memories…



spygirl57 13 April 2009 Reply

I dont think I know ANY of the songs you listed. x__X

David 13 April 2009 Reply

I know like maybe 3 songs on that list from radio. :3

And see, he agrees with me that it’s a topic like religion. :X It involves too many beliefs.

Vicelin 13 April 2009 Reply
David said:
And see, he agrees with me that it’s a topic like religion. :X It involves too many beliefs.

What’s wrong with too many? That’s the whole fun about it! o_o

Chameleon 14 April 2009 Reply

I recognize most of the artists/songs you listed, but I’ve only listened to two of the songs. XD;

Weeaboos and Twitards are scary ;__;

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