Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you're all annoyed at the fact that I'm ranting so much about how much crap's going on in my life, but I need to vent. SO READ THIS CAREFULLY!
So everyone knows Sally? Yes? Good.
Apparently it was a mistake to tell one of my stupid friends that I no longer trust the precious, precious secret(Well, not anymore) of who I liked at the time. She kept badgering me about it, and I was sick of it, so I just gave in. Then she turns around and back stabs me. Wanna know how? Of course you don't.
So I told her, and then she told approximately 10 others, which then made the news spread like wildfire until it reached Sally. This, was not good. I tried to cope with it at first, and I was doing fine, until she dropped the bomb, which most of you know.
To recap: Her:"Hey Jon, Sally told me to tell you that she knows you like her, and she doesn't want you to ask her out."
Her:"Oh, by the way, wouldn't Sally and Alex look SOOO good together?!"
Jon:"…What the fuck?"
So I decided that revenge is a dish served best cold.
I added the person she liked on Facebook(Which was no secret), and then I did something devious.
Side note: Mind you, their relationships was absolutely non-existent, and she was like stalking him. Me and Sally actually HAD a friendship.
I told him in very polite English that she liked him. He responded with saying that he thought she was annoying. So I thought, end of story.
Over the weekend, I was bored as hell until the news spread, and I cackled diabolically at my evil plan.
Then today came. A bunch of the other weeaboos ganged up on me:
So, at this point, I'm fricking pissed.As if I didn't have any fucking feelings either.
I didn't bother to explain, because I know they wouldn't understand. Then at lunch, they didn't let me sit down, and then one of the bitchiest/Most stupid weeaboos spoke.
Her:"Oh my God, guys, this feels just like a Japanese drama where we don't let one of the girls sit down and force them out of the group!"
Me:"…You're a retard."
So I left. So, at this point, I'm already pissed off, but then they start attacking me AGAIN. Whining about how you don't do shit like that to girls, talking as if I didn't feel anything. Just because I'm big, doesn't mean I can always fend for myself. I've been able to do it before, but lately It's been really hard, and this kinda shit just doesn't help. Some may say that I deserved it, but I had to vent. I just had to. If I didn't, I would just bring down another wall, and that wouldn't have been for me. So the day dragged on, and I got harassed even more. I got home, watched some TV, then chatted online with Sally. Then I went on Facebook.
Holy SHIT.
I got so many instant messages about how big of a jerk I am that I just closed that crap. I logged back on in a few minutes, and this girl I barely knew spazzed at me. Calling me a fucking jerk when she didn't even know the whole story. So I spaz at her. Bitched at her about the whole thing, and after lots of angry explanation, she ran away to talk to my shitty friend.
Today was not a nice day.
I NEVER, have nice days
So I'm just trying to put my life back together. My grades have dropped, I'm really tired most of the time.. If I don't find something to help soon, I'm gonna break guys. I need some help. Talking doesn't help, violence doesn't help, nothing does.. thinking about things just brings me pain.
Edit: Bitch wants my help now. Bullshit.