The Dramatic Teenager Returneth… Again

By In Uncategorized

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you're all annoyed at the fact that I'm ranting so much about how much crap's going on in my life, but I need to vent. SO READ THIS CAREFULLY!

So everyone knows Sally? Yes? Good.
Apparently it was a mistake to tell one of my stupid friends that I no longer trust the precious, precious secret(Well, not anymore) of who I liked at the time. She kept badgering me about it, and I was sick of it, so I just gave in. Then she turns around and back stabs me. Wanna know how? Of course you don't.

So I told her, and then she told approximately 10 others, which then made the news spread like wildfire until it reached Sally. This, was not good. I tried to cope with it at first, and I was doing fine, until she dropped the bomb, which most of you know.
To recap: Her:"Hey Jon, Sally told me to tell you that she knows you like her, and she doesn't want you to ask her out."
Her:"Oh, by the way, wouldn't Sally and Alex look SOOO good together?!"
Jon:"…What the fuck?"

So I decided that revenge is a dish served best cold.
I added the person she liked on Facebook(Which was no secret), and then I did something devious.
Side note: Mind you, their relationships was absolutely non-existent, and she was like stalking him. Me and Sally actually HAD a friendship.
I told him in very polite English that she liked him. He responded with saying that he thought she was annoying. So I thought, end of story.
Over the weekend, I was bored as hell until the news spread, and I cackled diabolically at my evil plan.
Then today came. A bunch of the other weeaboos ganged up on me:

So, at this point, I'm fricking pissed.As if I didn't have any fucking feelings either.
I didn't bother to explain, because I know they wouldn't understand. Then at lunch, they didn't let me sit down, and then one of the bitchiest/Most stupid weeaboos spoke.
Her:"Oh my God, guys, this feels just like a Japanese drama where we don't let one of the girls sit down and force them out of the group!"
Me:"…You're a retard."

So I left. So, at this point, I'm already pissed off, but then they start attacking me AGAIN. Whining about how you don't do shit like that to girls, talking as if I didn't feel anything. Just because I'm big, doesn't mean I can always fend for myself. I've been able to do it before, but lately It's been really hard, and this kinda shit just doesn't help. Some may say that I deserved it, but I had to vent. I just had to. If I didn't, I would just bring down another wall, and that wouldn't have been for me. So the day dragged on, and I got harassed even more. I got home, watched some TV, then chatted online with Sally. Then I went on Facebook.
Holy SHIT.

I got so many instant messages about how big of a jerk I am that I just closed that crap. I logged back on in a few minutes, and this girl I barely knew spazzed at me. Calling me a fucking jerk when she didn't even know the whole story. So I spaz at her. Bitched at her about the whole thing, and after lots of angry explanation, she ran away to talk to my shitty friend.

Today was not a nice day.
I NEVER, have nice days

So I'm just trying to put my life back together. My grades have dropped, I'm really tired most of the time.. If I don't find something to help soon, I'm gonna break guys. I need some help. Talking doesn't help, violence doesn't help, nothing does.. thinking about things just brings me pain.

Edit: Bitch wants my help now. Bullshit.

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