New story that is yet to be titled.

By In Uncategorized

This be an introduction.

The man took a shot of vodka, grimacing as it burned down his throat. Tonight would be a night of no regrets. He slammed the shot glass down on the hard wood table. Was he drinking to forget? Or drinking to remember? Who knows? He surely didn't.
He poured another glass, and downed it. This time, it hardly phased him. He reached across the table and picked up his knife. He touched the tip with his finger and it bled. The stained crimson dripped into the vodka bottle, and within seconds, the vodka had gone completely red. He watched as several others in the bar gave him menacing looks. He simply gave a threatening glare back.
He got up and paid for the alcohol, knife in hand. He gripped it tightly, and walked out the door with a swagger. His blade hungered for flesh.
There would be blood tonight.


Gujju 22 December 2009 Reply

:3 me likey

dee32693 22 December 2009 Reply

Menacing 😀

i also likey

spygirl57 22 December 2009 Reply

Interesting… intense…. mysterious…

I like. 🙂

Spade 22 December 2009 Reply

wow, this was very well explained

I actually visualized it

Almost on par with Naz’s stories

BlackNazgul 22 December 2009 Reply

Woot another fanfic!

-=The Nazgul=-

Dest1 23 December 2009 Reply

emo alcoholic murderer win

Merovign 23 December 2009 Reply

Is he Russian? LOL

Zappy 24 December 2009 Reply

This sounds awfully familiar with something I read before…

FunnyFroggy 24 December 2009 Reply

Cool, but some slight errors. Crimson is a color, can either be used as noun or adjective, therefore it must be used to describe blood, and not to replace it. I’m not sure why you put ‘stained’ though. 😮

Most of the sentences start with ‘he’. You should change it up a little. Add some adverbs or something. 😮 ‘Reaching for the knife..’, ‘Gently, he pricked…’

Other than that, good job. 😮

BlackNazgul 24 December 2009 Reply

The way he used it could be of artistic effect, though I would’ve said, “The crimson drops hit the vodka…” But Jon’s way is good nonetheless.

-=The Nazgul=-

Wolfboy183 25 December 2009 Reply

OMGizzards! Who’s he gonna kill?

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