Herro everyone! Seems like a while since I last actually blogged about anything on this site.. according to the website it’s been 9 months. Jeeessssuuss.
I guess I’ll start by saying that much has changed in the last 9 months for me.. i’m sure the it’s the same for everyone. It always astounds me how much change can happen in such little time. I remember when I was still like, freaking 10 years old and signing on to MMOTales for the first time. Speaking of MMOTales, can you guys even believe it’s been so long since we were there?I know it’s been 7 years for me.. everyone’s more or less grown up now.
But before I get too nostalgic, I’ll just talk about some stuff that’s been going on with my lately.
School is school. Y’know. Being a senior at high school, my work load is substantially greater than it was last year.. and it’ll only start to get worse. Last year I really slacked off, including in my courses that actually count, so now I need to work extra hard to bring my average up so that I’ll actually be accepted to a University for Sciences or Engineering.
This semester I’m taking: Calculus 12
Chemistry 12
Physics 12
Concert/Jazz Band and Concert/Jazz Choir
Calculus is fairly straight forward because of my previous background of taking Kumon, so it’s not a huge problem for me. My teacher IS fairly shitty at teaching though, so a lot of the time if I don’t understand something I’ll go here. It’s a great site for pretty much anything calculus, and even science related. If you’re having difficulty with anything I highly recommend it.
Chemistry… oh chemistry. Chemistry 11 was a joke compared to Chem 12. The thing I like about Chem 12 is that it’s challenging, but not in a frustrating or unfair way. The logic as well as cause and effect aspects of Chemistry are really interesting to me, and my teacher is great, but I just can’t do well on tests for whatever reason.. but that’s more of a common problem in all my tests. I know the material inside and out, and I can do all the worksheets no problem, but when it comes to testing, I turn into a huge shithead and want to run my head into the wall.
Physics 12.. it’s alright I guess. My teacher is awful though. He reads off of notes that are just example of the shit that we do in the worksheets he wants us to do. It’s annoying. I can barely pay attention in class and his monotone voice doesn’t help. I totally bombed a test on Gravitation today though.. he gave us like, no time to prepare, and the questions he had on the test weren’t explained well enough in the notes, OR by him.. so that was pretty stupid. I guess you could say.. Gravity dropped me pretty hard.
Band and Choir. Band is alright.. there are an increasingly lower number of talented people compared to the previous years, but it should suffice. I’m the only guitar player in senior jazz band, so there’s not a lot of wiggle room for what I get to do, but I enjoy the stuff we play. The junior guitar player sucks. Like, really sucks. I consider myself a pretty decent guitar player after 8 years of experience, but he just straight sucks the living bejesus out of playing guitar. On top of that, he has absolutely no respect for his instrument, or the people in junior band… so I signed his guitar, and a buddy of mine hid it on top of a cabinet where it’s hard to see. Good times. Before you say I’m an asshole though, I only signed it on a spot where the plastic is easily replaceable. He has a shitty epiphone Les Paul for anyone interested. It’s nice and clean now, but he had spilled Apple juice on it before and didn’t bother to clean it off.. so our Bass player(who’s actually a really good bass player and a cool guy) had to do it for him, AND change the strings. Anyway, enough of him..
Choir! Bunch of idiots in choir this year. Being the only guy who can consistently sing in tune can be pretty annoying. There’s 10 guys, and very few of them can read music, sing on pitch, or even keep rhythm. Frustrating, to say the least. There are a couple of pretty decent female singers and one or two amazing ones, but that’s about it. Our Choir kinda sucks.
But yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing as of late for school.
A lot of people seem to have eased off of the gaming on the site, but I’m still going strong. I recently moved my 4 speakers that were previously in my room upstairs so now I have 4 speakers, as well as a headset when too many people are around. I’ve also got a new monitor now because of my old my crapping out on me. It’s pretty awesome. It’s got HDMI, as well as DVI so I can hook up my computer as well as my 360. There are issues with the picture quality on the 360 on HDMI though.. I think my 360 is gibbed. Everything looks washed out and blurry.
I’m still playing a lot of League of Legends, as well as various other games that were on the Autumn sale on Steam. I just finished my Season 3 placement matches going 8-2 and landing myself in higher tier Silver, but I’ll make an effort towards platinum during winter break. I have no doubt that I can make it there though.
If you guys play League and don’t already have me, my Summoner name is Crimmm. I’m mainly a mid player, but I can do pretty much everything fairly proficiently.
Real Talk?
I miss this site. There’s just something indescribable about having an online community with people that you’ve known for so long and being able to come back to it every once in a while just to see what’s up. I guess in the time that I’ve spent away from the site has been used to show me how important good friends are.
Real talk? I miss you guys.
One Comment
Dude my setup almost exactly the same as yours except the tower’s different, and I don’t have the xbox console or the keyboard.
Same headset, color n everything, xbox controller.. steelseries mousepad… WUZZ GOOD.