[kieu oh tee dubble-yoo] A Wannabe's dream.

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A profession? Why would anyone want that, being tied down by a company [big or otherwise], being told to do this, do that, and getting all the crap stuff to do because they think you're a newbie or something.

Meh, but that is probably the reality of it. So I'll have to stick to it, just because of money.

In all due consideration, I haven't taken my GCE 'O's yet, so I'm thinking pretty far right now [in 5 to 6 years], as I have National Service [in 3 years] to contend to, 2 years being disciplined like dogs while enjoying weekends and firing exercises. I wouldn't become a regular in the army, ever, because I have next to zero tolerance for absolute [read: screaming in a loud voice] authority. But that is besides the point.

I would probably be a low-life, back-stabbing, manipulative and sheepish-in-front-of-the-boss office worker in some multi-national company, at the bottom rung of the office ladder, at the lowest point of the food pyramid. Getting a bonus just because it is the company's policy, eating badly self-made lunch during working hours, rushing crappy work to avoid overtime, et cetera.

An average office worker, I would be.

But that's by day.

At night is where my favoured profession shines.

I have a fervent interest in music, particularly the bass. I would really love to rock [read: groove] it out on stage, playing acid jazz while sipping a chilled glass of gin and tonic, wearing sunglasses indoors because it's cool and what not. People like us need to have some logic, why wear leather chaps/jeans/skinnies/birthday suits when you can play a gig in a singlet, shorts, and slippers. Yeah, playing a gig in shorts, that's what I call breaking the norm.

I'd like to make the ladies go 'Ooh, Aah' while making the men go 'Woof, woof'. [/flightoftheconchordsjoke] Saying 'thank you' to an applauding audience. Getting drinks on the house. Getting drunk…No, scratch that.

The feeling of playing in front of a proper audience is what I like. Giving music to them like drugs, leave them wanting for more, recurring withdrawal symptoms when they don't listen to the music for a period of time.


It makes for a nice introduction, don't you think?

Boring, average, scummy office worker by day…

Session bassist-cum-bad-comedian at night!

[/theme song]


Reve 28 September 2009 Reply


Gujju 28 September 2009 Reply

Sounds awesome.

dee32693 29 September 2009 Reply

that sounds impressive =o i can haz free tickets plz?

FunnyFroggy 29 September 2009 Reply


Merovign 29 September 2009 Reply

Froggy, you got it wrong, man, they’re the comedy folk duo from New Zealand.

Wolfboy183 29 September 2009 Reply

welcome to LIFE :D. It’s really not escapable, but you can wedge your way around the crappy job scene to where people aren’t trying to make u feel like shit, like my dad. He was my first boss (first job exp RUINED)

Pirkid 2 October 2009 Reply
Blog said: Getting drunk…No, scratch that.

Awe. Much lolz could have been had. 😛

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