I'm completely crushed. That feeling when you feel that you're nothing, merely a worthless piece of life that shouldn't live, I'm feeling the full brunt of it. I believe all of it is my fault entirely. I don't blame the other side, not one byte of it.
Let us rewind time back to February 13th, 2010, GMT +8 Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong time.
I fell in love with her, over the period of 4 years. We met at a friend's gathering, and at that time, I was naive and immature. I saw her comments on my friend's blog, and I thought she was a guy, until I met her at least. She kicked me in the arse for saying that I thought she was male. Love at first kick, I guess.
I waited patiently for her. Over her 2 relationships, and 1 one night stand. Over the fights, the good times, the great times, I just felt closer to her. Then I confessed all about it to her, at that fateful Chinese New Year's Eve.
To summarise it, it sucks so bad when you fall in love with your best friend.
Now, I think she sees me differently.
Recently we had a fight, and she cut off contact with me. 3 days have passed without talking to her. I don't know whether I can survive without her. D:
Sigh. I have no mood to complete this blog. It just feels better when one confides in a third party, with no relations to one or both parties in a conflict.
I'll leave with a quote and go to work. >_>
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, Chapter 1, Line 1.
after my first breakup i felt as though I had been convicted and labeled a criminal and ruined for life in terms of this thing we’re supposed to call ‘love’
Withdrawl effects stink. time will pass and other things will take your attention off of her and you’ll move along and things will lookup….who am I to give advice im depressed all the time every girl I say hi to says she has a bf……….. crap
I was never depressed about other girls, except for this special entity. To think she was my lighthouse in life, i don’t know what i’ll do if she really goes away. D:
^ That’s what sucks so bad. 🙁
I never thought I’d have to use this pic again but….
if that isnt the most depressing thing the world, I have no idea what is
Friend zone doesn’t mean shit. I was in the friend zone at one point or another with all the girls I dated. People just assume that because the relationship is currently labeled as “friends,” it can’t ever be anything else. I’m not saying friend zone = relationship later, but I am saying there’s nothing impossible about moving from one to the other.
Keep your head up. Feeling depressed means being introverted and that’ll only make your problems last longer. Just because you’re friend’s now doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.
I’ve been there man.. several times.
Wait..Chloroform and a shovel?
I’m doing fine, guys, with a concoction of crap coffee and ice cream.
You’re not the only one pal! Just rant it out. RANT IT OUT@@
Don’t worry, the pain will go away. I didn’t think it would, but as time really does heal all wounds.
-=The Nazgul=-