Latest GMS Exploit

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There are a few exploits out there right now, as of v0.98.1. Some are made public, while others are kept private (even I don’t know how to do it)

1. equipment enhancement hack
– Yup. This ones back! The other day, I had a notice pop up on my screen that congratulated the person for making the 50th enhancement. Mhm. Not justonce, but an hour later, I saw th same message again >_> This ones damn private, along with those rumored 386 atk SCG and a 900 atk dagger.

2. Wildhunter Pinkbean PG hack
– I’m using this one. It first came out as a dispute between coders in the maple hacking world. One betrayed the other, and as a result, the other released this VIP hack to the public to get it patched. It is often known as CLB.exe, a CLIENTLESS hack.

yea thats right, CLIENTLESS! That means you don’t even have to execute maplestory.exe or log in from the website. Simply start that CLB.exe up and everything will be done. What it basically does is log in for you, and selects your wild hunter. After, it will start summoning pink bean and abusing the powerguard hack. What this results in is about 19k-30k of damage to ALL monsters on the map. On top of that, all the items are dropped ON your character, and there is an autoloot/filter system.

A week later, an insanely better version came out, what is known as ICY. Doesn;t stand for anything, but it is also known as the CLIENT VERSION of the CLB, except it works 20x faster. It was packaged in the RIU trainer, and released to the public as a VIP freebie.

Using this… I made craploads and craploads… There is an upcoming patch/maintenance tonight. I really hope it doesn’;t get patched >_> My WH is 153 right now in 4 days!

3. Silver Coin Exploit
– Patched…

4. Quest EXP exploit
– Mojoto made this for himself and posted lots of videos on basil and youtube. Basically, he edits his MS files so that every time he talks to a certain quest NPC, he finishes it and gets exp. He basically stands beside the NPC and holds NPC chat and levels like mad.

Anyways… Nexon says they’ll cut down on this exploiting and hacking but I seriously doubt it. I have botted/hacked sooooo many characters without ban… it makes me wonder if GMs really exist or not. I don;t hide or anything, I hack at the hacker hotspots and nothing happens o.o I heard on the forums that a few got perma banned, but it was a rare case considering there are tonnes of wolds + maps… and the chance of a GM finding you is slim.

PS: Don;t join hacking guilds. The GMs will ban your entire guild by tracking each of you down.


greenelf 23 June 2011 Reply

Idk, Nexon seems pretty serious about this. However, I don’t condone the use of hacks :/

NarutoHater 23 June 2011 Reply

sickkkkk they didnt patch anything after that server check! looks like im botting that WH to 170

darkness 23 June 2011 Reply

It’s not so much as that they’re not trying to stop botters and hackers, than it is that the simple math is botters/hackers outnumber Nexon employees. For every one hack they manage to stop, several more for different reasons pop onscreen. Think of it as a pop-up that pops more pop-ups as you close them.

…Actually, that may be how Nexon computers work.

Vusys 24 June 2011 Reply

Christ almighty. I thought things were the shit when we used to edit the map walls to vac mobs, but my god look at it now.

greenelf 24 June 2011 Reply
Vusys said: Christ almighty. I thought things were the shit when we used to edit the map walls to vac mobs, but my god look at it now.

Ah..the days where fly hacking to the top of the Henesys Shack was cool.

NarutoHater 24 June 2011 Reply

I hit 155 this morning… at ToT Qualm Guardians ;D loving thisssss

Nass 24 June 2011 Reply

Hey wanna dupe your items?
Put all the rare shit in the box then click trade BUT DON’T PRESS OK!
then type in “maplestory” and you’ll dupe all the items 🙂

greenelf 24 June 2011 Reply
Nass said: Hey wanna dupe your items?
Put all the rare shit in the box then click trade BUT DON’T PRESS OK!
then type in “maplestory” and you’ll dupe all the items 🙂

I think they removed the “y”=accept trade

NarutoHater 26 June 2011 Reply

yea they did LOL

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