I wanna blow up STM

By In Uncategorized

So today I served my after school detention.
I was like "aight." -Puts iPod on-

"No music allowed in D-hall"


"Turn off your iPod!!!1111"

"k wtf." -turns it off-

Detention ends at 4:30pm.
The teacher on duty said we're leaving at 4:40pm.
"Wait, why?" I asked.
She turned to look at me.

I left the detention at 5pm.

My best friend in the whole wide world and el secrecto lover Dylan waited for me the whole time, even when he could of taken the school bus home earlier, as we normally would.
So we wait at the bus stop in front of school for the 204.

I inserted my ticket and it worked. Off we went to the mall.

During the ride, I noticed my ticket was SLIGHTLY bent in the corner. "Meh, it'll work."

We get to the mall, say hi to some folks, and wait for the 208.

It comes, I insert my ticket. It doesn't work. I try again.

It doesn't work.

I take it out to flatten the corner when the bus driver is like "Donne moi ta pass."
I hand it to her. "Je rien fait. Juste la sorti ma poche."
She looks at me"Et alors?"
"Pi c'est tout. Je sais pas pour-"
"Donc, ce passage ne fonctionne pas"
"Mais madame, c'est pas ma faute."

I never go on. It's like an hour walk from Fairview to home. But luckily, Dylan my el secreto lover had some money in the bank.
So we left to get it, and eat.

Tim Horton's soup with ice cappuccino!

I owe him like 10$

Then we got on the bus, looked cool and went home.

Will Smith was right.

Girls are nothing but trouble.

I log on MSN.

I see this:

Mike:So how was your day?
(7:34 PM) ' K є ℓ ℓ z z σ: Well,
last night
was the worst night of my life
i cant explain and i dont wanna, Dx
everytime i think of it
my heart sinks
lets just say
(7:35 PM) ' K є ℓ ℓ z z σ: i cried so hard for so long
i got a massive headache from it
and slept for one hour
thought i was gonna puke
so i fell asleep on the bathroom floor with my back agaisnt the wall
(7:35 PM) ' K є ℓ ℓ z z σ: i promised i wouldt hurt myself
so i didnt
but fuck was it hard.
(7:36 PM) Mike : =/
(7:36 PM) ' K є ℓ ℓ z z σ: my heart hurt so much
i dug my nails to where my heart was
and made myself bleed, without being aware i was even doing it
its literally the term,
broken heart
(7:37 PM) ' K є ℓ ℓ z z σ: anyways
before i write a novel,
i gottta go d:
* D:
byeeeeee bye
(7:37 PM) Mike : D:
(7:37 PM) Mike : Bye don't hurt yourself anymore k?

That's why I went to men!



David 14 November 2009 Reply


spygirl57 14 November 2009 Reply

EDIT: omgwut my sister’s account was logged in lol

Pirkid 14 November 2009 Reply
Blog said: Girls are nothing but trouble.

Fucking Amen.

Gujju 14 November 2009 Reply

I no speaky french.

But i got the point. I think. Poops to public transit, you seem to have a more complicated system than ours 😛 bent tickerts, wut?

Nass 14 November 2009 Reply
Gujju said: I no speaky french.

But i got the point. I think. Poops to public transit, you seem to have a more complicated system than ours 😛 bent tickerts, wut?

It’s freakin’ jacked up.

They made this thing called an Opus card. It’s basically a card you have, and you can charge bus tickets to it.
If you don’t have one, you have to pay normal fee or use the new bus ticket which has a bar code strip thingy that the bus reads.
My ticket was bent, so I guess the bus couldn’t read it. Even though the bus driver CHECKED and saw I JUST got it.

The stupid part comes in, before students had a discount until college. But with the Opus, if you don’t have. You gotta pay adult fee, 2.75$

So expensive.

Also, how do you not comprender French? That’s so Amer-

David 14 November 2009 Reply

Idk, back when I was in montreal, pub transportation was a cinch. I got on and off for free, ’cause the bus drivers didn’t care if you had a card that’s valid or not.

Nass 14 November 2009 Reply
David said: Idk, back when I was in montreal, pub transportation was a cinch. I got on and off for free, ’cause the bus drivers didn’t care if you had a card that’s valid or not.

That’s back when you got yellow papers for transfers, they found out a lot of people used them to get on for free.
You also can use normal bus tickets anymore, you have to use the new ones with the bar code

David 14 November 2009 Reply

Aw snap.

Cynthia 14 November 2009 Reply

We have the ticket things too, but the bus drivers are okay if you don’t pay. Because they get paid either way
Today I forgot my pass at home, and the guy just nodded when I told him.

tarheel91 14 November 2009 Reply

Free bus service ftw!


No puedes comprender espanol? Eso es cana-

Translation: You can’t comprehend Spanish? That’s so Cana-

Nass 14 November 2009 Reply
tarheel91 said: Free bus service ftw!


No puedes comprender espanol? Eso es cana-

Translation: You can’t comprehend Spanish? That’s so Cana-

I understood 2 words in that sentence, WITHOUT your translation.

Beat that!

Aaru 14 November 2009 Reply

I didn’t even need to read the translation. Booyah!

Pirkid 14 November 2009 Reply

I understood the French. It was drilling into my brain too deep in Grade 9.

The Spanish is easy too, similar to Portuguese.

Quang 14 November 2009 Reply

Don’t worry many people (mostly girls) naturally get mood swings at this age.. People can feel emotional and greatly depressed for periods of time.
It’s simply a stage where you depart from your optimistic, naive childhood, and enter the gates to becoming teenager.

When I was 13 I was pretty emotionally myself..

BlackNazgul 14 November 2009 Reply

As my best friend that’s a girl told me, “Girl’s are all bi***es.” no matter how friendly they are.

-=The Nazgul=-

Nass 14 November 2009 Reply
BlackNazgul said: As my best friend that’s a girl told me, “Girl’s are all bi***es.” no matter how friendly they are.

-=The Nazgul=-


My friends only tell me “Two whacks and you’re playing with yourself!”

Nass 15 November 2009 Reply
Zhlink said:

Nass said:

Gujju said: I no speaky french.

But i got the point. I think. Poops to public transit, you seem to have a more complicated system than ours 😛 bent tickerts, wut?

It’s freakin’ jacked up.

They made this thing called an Opus card. It’s basically a card you have, and you can charge bus tickets to it.
If you don’t have one, you have to pay normal fee or use the new bus ticket which has a bar code strip thingy that the bus reads.
My ticket was bent, so I guess the bus couldn’t read it. Even though the bus driver CHECKED and saw I JUST got it.

The stupid part comes in, before students had a discount until college. But with the Opus, if you don’t have. You gotta pay adult fee, 2.75$

So expensive.

Also, how do you not comprender French? That’s so Amer-

Lucky Singapore has EZ-Link cards. Tap and go.
: D

Is that like a monthly pass?

Cuz they took those out here because too many were buying them, so everyone got on for free.

David 18 November 2009 Reply

No one else writes like this Larry, you fail at life. k.

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