Today was an important day. I day where everything had to go right.
Or we would get caught.
I walked down the school hallways. It was lunch, the time of the deal was when it ended.
"Get the stuff. And we'll do it after. Just so it doesn't mess us up for class."
My job was to buy the things, I was entrusted with the money and everything.
I shadily walked around, acting as normal as I can be. People passing looked at me and smiled. Good. No one suspected anything.
Finally I had to stuff in my pocket. It was cold (from the air) and it a plastic bag. I power walked back to school. I only had 15mins to meet them.
If I didn't…Let's just say I didn't want them to think anything else.
Keeping my left hand in my pocket I opened the door. There they were. Waiting.
The school bell rang. We all nodded and huddled a little closer (no homo)
"Go for it." I nodded and pulled out my left hand.
We all smiled. We had it.
All we had to do was sell it to other kids. I sniffed at the package. "It's the right one." I said. And we took off in the hallways, stopping 7th graders on their way to lunch. "Interested?" We said when we took out our goods.
Some of them pulled us aside. "Not now." A kid on my school bus had said. "I'll send you some on the bus." I had said.
Finally, we called it quits. We started going to class.
"Hey Nass." My partner said.
"Next time, let's get 5 Gum."
"Got it."
And we went to class.
Gained I few levels since the last time I posted.
Here's some screenies:
Missed the level up lol
Gained about 1.5mil. Then spent some on a staff+other equips.
I made some of it back though later on.
Notable drops: Steely throwing stars (average price 1.5-2mil)
*gonna edit my Maple side of this in, in a bit. plz hold*
I be joining Galicia 😀
I remember when steelies used to go around for 400 k
to be srs, i bought D; spent in total 20 or something and all together had 110
Now I am guessing that you didn’t sell drugs?
No. I was selling gum
Gum suckorz mate.
you had me convinced you were selling drugs. i was like :WTF IS WRONG WICHU CHILD?!?!!?