Todai VuTales wz created.
And I don't mean the site, I mean the guild lol.
Here's how the process worked.
I was already on, doing whatever.
JoJo(Joaco) was on doing what ever JoJo does in his free time.
Dussy(Dustin) was just starting out, doing job quests and stuff.
With the new arrival of Dussy we already had more than half the people to make a guild. So I figured it would be a good idea.
But where's Aaron? Of course I couldn't make the guild without him. Then out of no where, as if he was listening Aaron logs on.
Aaron and I were already in Orbis.
Jojo was like talking about taking a ship from Lith Harbor or something. (Sorry I don't pay attention much)
Dussy was so pro, he was already on the ship to Orbis <3
After forever ended we met up and grabbed like what, 2 other dudes. Then Aaron had an epic d/c. Which happens a lot. (2mchprawn)
Then he came back, I got my money and we went to form the guild.
I'll let the video explain the rest:
I'll edit later, or just make another blog in a few hours.
Nice song…I could make a VT guild in Broa with an emblem and that shiny junk and all butt…not enough people/I don’t feel like Broa deserves the awesomeness even if it is Kick-Ass
Who the f- is Jojo?
Anyway, I was <<< there. :(
Oh, and of course pownazz ruined the video and got expelled by me <3
Let’s make a cross-world guild. 😀 VuTales alliance shall rule the world.
One day. :3
Expelling that dude made me feel all comfy on the inside. 🙂
I liked the ending.
No joke.
This tempts me to start playing Maple again, but then I remember the murderous grinding.
There’s a 2x in Galacia and they made it to where you can get to like 20 with quests alone. It’s fine if you’ve got someone to talk to.
Lol, there’s 2x everyday for all the other worlds as well only 3 hours at a time tho so bleh.
Started up a dawn warrior to alleviate the grinding dulldrum on my Aran
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
TarTar, it takes less now, first off there’s 2x and secondly there are MUCH better training spots nowadays.
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
TarTar, it takes less now, first off there’s 2x and secondly there are MUCH better training spots nowadays.
I’m not going to pay for MS. Period. I guess I just don’t like the diminishing returns that come with the higher levels. In most MMORPGs, higher levels open up all types of new possibilities. In MS, it just opens up more grinding.
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
TarTar, it takes less now, first off there’s 2x and secondly there are MUCH better training spots nowadays.
I’m not going to pay for MS. Period. I guess I just don’t like the diminishing returns that come with the higher levels. In most MMORPGs, higher levels open up all types of new possibilities. In MS, it just opens up more grinding.
But more grinding at better spots, better weps and armors, more quests and bossing galore!
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
TarTar, it takes less now, first off there’s 2x and secondly there are MUCH better training spots nowadays.
I’m not going to pay for MS. Period. I guess I just don’t like the diminishing returns that come with the higher levels. In most MMORPGs, higher levels open up all types of new possibilities. In MS, it just opens up more grinding.
Technically, Maplestory doesn’t open up to just grinding. It just feels that way because most of the quests ask for killing monsters or gathering drops, if not just hopping continents.
LOL 2 dudes were expelled less than an hour later @_@
Well if someone interesting like Dee, Sneha (lolwut), or Pir (evenmorelolwut) start playing on Galacia I’ll play.
No, Lee, you don’t count.
I’m talking about the 7 hours to level (assuming no one tries to steal your channel and you don’t die) around level 80 murderous grinding. That’s why I gave up on my 83 dexless hermit. 7 hours for what? Marginally better damage? It’d take me at least (37×7…) 259 hours to get to 120, and then I’ve got to level tons before get to enjoy fourth job.
Actually, they permanently decreased the total EXP needed to level now.
Edit: Oh yeah Jojo here’s the spam I was telling you about. There was more too.

lulz nice going Nass xp
Join Windia for the lulz.
This utterly proves that most marriages in that game and guy to guy. ^w^
Can you make fun of us in Galicia? Didn’t think so.
Yeah we can.
It just goes to show windia is filled with cocky bastards such as yourself Arly.
@Nass: I never heard about that! Seriously? Link?
Suddenly, I’m a cocky bastard because I’m saying Windia is better. Oh, wait, aren’t you doing the same thing about Galicia? Grow up, or get smart.
You were always a cocky fellow Arly.
Stop being emo.
@TarTar: Give me a second. I have to look through all the notices until last summer -_-
Okay um here’s where they first announced it
We have adjusted the EXP rate (levels 11 – 30 +50% more and levels 31 & above +25% more), for our anniversary month. This should help you get to your goal in no time!
Still looking for the permanent one. More time plz
lol connie dont ever count me in on playing.
I gave up Maple story like 3 years ago. I dont even want to go back