My Sweet VuTalian Summer [Chapter 1]

By In Uncategorized

I think I have enough people to crap out a chapter now.

"Black." Sofia said, slowing to a stop in front of a store window. " I think I'll get a black bathing suit. It'd look good on me."
"Nu." Her best friend Connie stopped beside her. "Get something nice like dark red, like me!"
"Ew no." Sofia stuck out her tongue. "Matching bathing suits are so last summer."
"Are you sure you even want to go to this party? I mean there's gonna be lots of boys there and-"
"And tons of opportunity…" Sofia finished, smiling menacingly.

"See that Ken m'a boy? Those are just fine pieces of work right there."
"Nass, do we really have to sit here and watch girls? I thought you said you were gonna teach me how to become a man?"
"And I am. Look. Check out the Asian one." Nass bit his lower lip. "I'd tap that."
Ken sighed. "That's Connie and the other one on the right is Sofia, they're both in my Math class. Now can we go?"
Nass shook his head slowly. "Ken,you're missing the point. Okay look." Nass stood up and faced his friend.
"Imagine a girl was like a painting. You can clearly see the nice, delicate strokes of paint. But you only know what the painting's about when you read the little description paragraph at the bottom. Get it?"
"What's that gotta do with girls?" Ken asked.
"I'm saying you gotta get up close and personal with a girl, before you judge her." Nass replied.
"But I didn't judge them. You did."
"That's because I was doing it on purpose to teach you a lesson. See? Lesson learnt. You're almost a man now!" Nass exclaimed grabbing Ken's arm. "Now c'mon, let's go read the description."

Scratch, scratch. The sound of a pencil going against a paper.
"Almost done…" A young male mumbled.
Scratch, scratch. He stopped and thought for a second. "Hmmm…Ah, oh yeah." He wrote down his last sentence then threw his pencil on his desk. "I'm freaking done." He happily stood up and handed in his exam.
His teacher smiled as he walked up with a hop in his step. "All done Dustin?" She asked taking in his exam. "Yup!" Dustin turned towards the door. "Have a great summer Mrs.G!"

Dustin was happy. Happy that his exam was over. But most of all, happy his summer vacation officially started. he inhaled the cool summer air. "Oh yeah!" He yelled pumping his fist in the air. His phone in his pocket suddenly came to life. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen. It was a text from his friend Pir:

"Where are you? Me & Sneha are at coffee shop."

"Oh dang, I was supposed to meet them there." Dustin jogged down the street and into the market district of town. As expected, Pir and Sneha were there.

"I can happily say that I just aced my exam!" Dustin said as he slid into the booth with them.
"Yeah? well I can proudly say that summer vacation started." Pir said sipping out of his cup. The group nodded.
"You guys up for clubbing tonight?" Dustin asked.
"Maybe." Pir replied. "Have to swing by my house and check VuTales and Facebook."
Shena shook her head. "Unlike you guys, I actually have something worthwhile to do today."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" Dustin asked, rolling his eyes at Pir, who chuckled.
"I always wanted to cook this delicious chocolate cake I saw on TV last week." She said.
"Wow that's…" Pir played with his sentence.
"Kinda lame." Dustin finished. Shena frowned. "Thank you Dussy." She stood up. "Come on Pir. Drive me to the store." She gave a dirty look to Dustin.

"I need some supplies." She turned and left. Pir stood up, shrugged at Dustin and followed.


Gujju 18 March 2010 Reply

Thanks for spelling it Shena 😛

Nass 18 March 2010 Reply
Gujju said: Thanks for spelling it Shena 😛

You don’t even know how many times I typed it like “Sneyha.”

Spade 18 March 2010 Reply


Pirkid 18 March 2010 Reply

Jesus christ I’m whipped

Nass 18 March 2010 Reply

imma change the title of the story.

It’s so lame

@PirPir: Sorry man, you were a big pimp in the last story. Had to demote you.

Dest1 18 March 2010 Reply

exactly how real life would be

Nass 18 March 2010 Reply

Format this bitchhh

Fav. Color:_____

@Everyone else: Yes you can still sign up.

Dustin 18 March 2010 Reply

I feel like a pimp for calling her lame.
Chicks love bad boys.

dee32693 21 March 2010 Reply

i already signed up D:< @Pir HAHAHA WHIPPED!

snowhamster 2 April 2010 Reply

Woopsies 🙂

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