
By In Uncategorized

WARNING TONS OF BULLSHIT: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also may not make sense in some places

I am a supporter of legalizing weed, and banning cigarettes (or raising the taxes EVEN MORE! =D).
Because you have to understand, there’s a difference between being a druggie and being a casual smoker.

A druggie is like all day everyday I’m on that kush.

A casual smoker (like me..sorta) is like yeah I’ll only get baked on long weekends or when I’m celebrating.

Of course there should be laws, like designated smoking areas and smoking in vehicles


There’s a lot of things I said but ended up doing.
example; Drugs. Drugs are bad! Don’t do them it fucks up your brain!

That was me in like 7th grade.

8th: You can smoke but…Don’t smoke around me.

9th: Fine I’ll bite. Gimme the blunt.

Now: Light me up.

Anyone who actually remembers me in 7th grade would be like yeah you’re a hypocrite.
I’ll start with drugs since you’re probably more excited to hear about that then seeing cleavage at church while someone is saying a prayer.

Let’s see…I started maybe early October 09. I was scared I admit, because I was smoking during school, and I was for sure coming back high.
But then thing about getting baked(high) is…it’s like the best feeling ever.

Kinda hard to explain, you gotta feel it… It’s like you just laughed your ass off to something REALLY HARD EXCEPT you don’t gotta catch your breath.
You can just keep laughing and laughing, and then BAM you’re fucking hungry. Get some food ASAP or keep some on you (cookies work good.) Cuz if you don’t eat when that happens, crazy shit goes down.
One time I ate some of my friend’s mom’s plants because I was hungry. Imagine how we had to explain that? Let’s just say I can’t go over anymore. Ever.

Or sometimes, you just drop on the ground. And like you can’t get up. You feel so heavy, but so happy.

Don’t smoke regularly though. Cuz then you’re gonna wanna move up to “hard” drugs, like cocaine, cuz your tolerance is so damn high lol. That’s the stuff you gotta find REAL dealers for, and then you get shot up on the block later on. Or OD and die.

Why did I start you ask? No it wasn’t peer pressure exactly. My friend had some on him, and he asked me if I had ever tried it. I was like “lol no.”
So he offered to share, and I took him up on it. Simple as that. Been a casual ever since.

Anyway I’m not gonna talk about obtaining them, or how to roll or prices etc.. At least not here, because I understand that most don’t wanna hear about it.



I know it’s been talked about before, but I’m curious.

Have you ever tried weed (specifically) in your life? If so what happened?
If not, would you try it if I had some for you? No strings just for free?

Be honest plz



Elaine 21 March 2010 Reply

I’ve never tried weed ever.
Would I try it? Maybe a small dose I guess.

Spade 21 March 2010 Reply


Were you high when you typed this?

Reve 21 March 2010 Reply

Nope, never.

No strings for free? Yeah sure I’ll try some. Just a li’l bit though.

Merovign 21 March 2010 Reply

I bum cigarettes off my friends.

I’m so cheap.

Gujju 21 March 2010 Reply

Naw. I am not one to smoke anything. I’d rather drink than smoke.

Dustin 21 March 2010 Reply

I’ve smoked more than once and didn’t enjoy it. I hated the feeling of being less than myself and I couldn’t get it to stop. I just hopped into bed and slept it off. Anyways, X isn’t hard at all. X is less addictive than weed.

Chart thingy
Chart thingy

Anyways, I’m sorta stuck in your 8th grade phase.

But remember Nass, it’s still illegal so be safe!

Dest1 21 March 2010 Reply

quote from urbandictionary

“when you eat a lot after you’ve been high for a few minutes. Contrary to popular belief, when you have the munchies you are generally NOT HUNGRY. it’s more like… eating feels really really good. Imagine feeling like you’ve never eaten before. Sometimes things will taste like something totally different. Chocolate cream oreos can taste like blueberries, for example. Imagine everything tasting like the best-tasting thing you ever ate in your life.”

Nass 21 March 2010 Reply
Spade said: Question.

Were you high when you typed this?


I was earlier though.

@Merovign: Good man.
@Gujju: “Hard liquor” or like booze?
@Dussy: It’s harder because of the effects. Weed makes ya spin, but X is like spinning while vomiting then being suddenly depressed after.

Dustin 21 March 2010 Reply

X sounds like being dumped on a rollercoaster.

That whore.

Dest1 21 March 2010 Reply

They called her Ecstasy, my one true love…

lul c wut i did thar

Nass 21 March 2010 Reply

LOL I named a blunt “Cherry” one time. After every toke I was like “OH CHERRY! GOD DAMN!”

Protip: Don’t do that ever.

FunnyFroggy 21 March 2010 Reply

shit man, I live off trimethylxanthine. shits good son fuck yeah SEAKING!

dee32693 21 March 2010 Reply


however i wont say i never wondered about taking X at a club to be high on not jsut the drug but the club mood.

but im too chicken D:


Pirkid 22 March 2010 Reply

I will once I’m out of school. I’ve made an oath to try everything at least one, but only at a point when it can’t fuck my life up.

FunnyFroggy 22 March 2010 Reply

LOL! You’re gonna try everything? GG man, good luck living. 😛

PROTIP: Start with heroin first, then you can say ‘hah fuck you! I did heroin and all I got was a hole in my nose, and I’m not addicted! BITCH!’

Or maybe that’s cocaine…

BlackNazgul 22 March 2010 Reply
Dest1 said: They called her Ecstasy, my one true love…

lul c wut i did thar

Lol Dest… xD

-=The Nazgul=-

Wolfboy183 23 March 2010 Reply

I got stone for the first time in my life just last week and well, it was frightening. At first i felt nothing, as what usually happens on the rare occasions and the high is just not work inhaling shit in my lungs and burning my throat. (only smoked weed with my friends just to fit in. iFail. )
So then 15 minutes after finishing the first joint with the 3rd lung (end of a 2L soda bottle with a plastic bag on it). we were just standing around at this playground and then i got this weird fucked up pulse in my brain and I thought I was gonna lose control and fall on my ass. I could hardly even make sense of what they were saying and I thought I was gonna go blind for some stupid reason. Next, my heart started beating really fast (that scared me alot), and then I felt this icy cold seeping through my chest and arms and it felt like sommething has a telekinetic grasp on me and was holding on tightly, trying to rip me apart. I was all freaking out and my friends were just standing there laughing at me.

Needless to say I felt like such a little bitch and felt ashamed. That’s what I got when I smoked weed or did shrooms, i jsut feel really stupid, or really vunerable or really guilty. I dont wanna do shrooms again (it gives u a killer headache the next day that 10 advil’s won’t cure), and I don’t wanna smoke weed anyway. For me, it’s not that great.

To nass: I don’t like smoking weed, but I am not at all opposed to everyone else doing it. Go ahead, legalize it, tax it, control it and ther’ll be a huge industry and jobs around marijuana, just like alcohol. Ban cigarettes, let smokers smoke clean tobacco without all the thousands of chemicals. Shit, if I had one wish, I’d say BAN ALCOHOL! Turn all the alcoholics into stoners!

There’s my two cents

Dest1 23 March 2010 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: I got stone for the first time in my life just last week and well, it was frightening. At first i felt nothing, as what usually happens on the rare occasions and the high is just not work inhaling shit in my lungs and burning my throat. (only smoked weed with my friends just to fit in. iFail. )
So then 15 minutes after finishing the first joint with the 3rd lung (end of a 2L soda bottle with a plastic bag on it). we were just standing around at this playground and then i got this weird fucked up pulse in my brain and I thought I was gonna lose control and fall on my ass. I could hardly even make sense of what they were saying and I thought I was gonna go blind for some stupid reason. Next, my heart started beating really fast (that scared me alot), and then I felt this icy cold seeping through my chest and arms and it felt like sommething has a telekinetic grasp on me and was holding on tightly, trying to rip me apart. I was all freaking out and my friends were just standing there laughing at me.

Needless to say I felt like such a little bitch and felt ashamed. That’s what I got when I smoked weed or did shrooms, i jsut feel really stupid, or really vunerable or really guilty. I dont wanna do shrooms again (it gives u a killer headache the next day that 10 advil’s won’t cure), and I don’t wanna smoke weed anyway. For me, it’s not that great.

To nass: I don’t like smoking weed, but I am not at all opposed to everyone else doing it. Go ahead, legalize it, tax it, control it and ther’ll be a huge industry and jobs around marijuana, just like alcohol. Ban cigarettes, let smokers smoke clean tobacco without all the thousands of chemicals. Shit, if I had one wish, I’d say BAN ALCOHOL! Turn all the alcoholics into stoners!

There’s my two cents

bad trip?

Nass 23 March 2010 Reply
Wolfboy183 said: I got stone for the first time in my life just last week and well, it was frightening. At first i felt nothing, as what usually happens on the rare occasions and the high is just not work inhaling shit in my lungs and burning my throat. (only smoked weed with my friends just to fit in. iFail. )
So then 15 minutes after finishing the first joint with the 3rd lung (end of a 2L soda bottle with a plastic bag on it). we were just standing around at this playground and then i got this weird fucked up pulse in my brain and I thought I was gonna lose control and fall on my ass. I could hardly even make sense of what they were saying and I thought I was gonna go blind for some stupid reason. Next, my heart started beating really fast (that scared me alot), and then I felt this icy cold seeping through my chest and arms and it felt like sommething has a telekinetic grasp on me and was holding on tightly, trying to rip me apart. I was all freaking out and my friends were just standing there laughing at me.

Needless to say I felt like such a little bitch and felt ashamed. That’s what I got when I smoked weed or did shrooms, i jsut feel really stupid, or really vunerable or really guilty. I dont wanna do shrooms again (it gives u a killer headache the next day that 10 advil’s won’t cure), and I don’t wanna smoke weed anyway. For me, it’s not that great.

To nass: I don’t like smoking weed, but I am not at all opposed to everyone else doing it. Go ahead, legalize it, tax it, control it and ther’ll be a huge industry and jobs around marijuana, just like alcohol. Ban cigarettes, let smokers smoke clean tobacco without all the thousands of chemicals. Shit, if I had one wish, I’d say BAN ALCOHOL! Turn all the alcoholics into stoners!

There’s my two cents

Something tells me you got some laced crap.
Or maybe you weren’t doing it right.

EvilStranger 25 March 2010 Reply

i second handed weed
it was weird
i kept on smiling and smiling

xXVEGGIEXx 11 April 2010 Reply

I don’t smoke, nor will I. I don’t mind people that do it or even if they do it around me, AND I think it should be legalized. But I still don’t smoke. ‘Why’, you ask? Because I don’t want/need to 😀

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