
By In Uncategorized

Today was a…weird day.

I talked to Victoria, I talked to her and her BFFLOL<3. But more importantly, I talked to her BFFLOL privately. That's when shit went down.

So we went to the mall. Victoria went to go try on some clothes in American Apparel ( Even though we spend forever there, she likes to try on leggings. WHICH IS ALRIGHT WITH ME LOLOL.)

For this blog, let's call her BBFLOL…L.

So I was talking with L, mostly about music, clothes,movies…you know…normal shit.
Thennn she starts talking about me and Victoria. And how she's happy we're still safe.

Still safe? From what?

She then told me the "story."

A long time ago, after I first broke up with Victoria, L had placed a deep and dangerous curse on me.

Oh yeah, she's Wiccan. So she's into witchcraft and stuff. Anyway…

She placed a curse on me. I was supposed to be sad all my life, and eventually kill myself…Once Victoria had gotten back together, she "tried" to take it off. But her magic got the best of her, and she failed. So I'm still cursed. And I'm going to die.

"What does that have to do with me and Vic?"
"Well…I kinda hoped you guys wouldn't go back together. I love Victoria."
"So you want the curse to happen? And for me to die?"
"Yes. But not about the death. I just wanted you away from her."
"Because she's not using her white magic the right way."
"Whoa,whoa…My girlfriend is a witch too?"
-L nods- "We were thinking of telling you soon."
"So what's wrong with her?"
"She's trying to take off your curse. It's hurting her."
"Inside. She's been crying a lot more lately. It's only a matter of time before she cuts again."
"Cuts?! I gotta-"
"No! Don't say anything until we're at her house. I want to show you something."

I was shitting bricks in my pants the whole afternoon.

Then we went to Vic's house.

L said something to her, and Victoria smiled at me.
"I'm glad you know. I don't have to hide it anymore."
"This curse…there's no way to take it off?"
L: "Maybe…if we all use our powers on you. Right here…right now."

Then they start making, I guess the ritual circle. I had to sit in the middle.
They started chanting or something.

I was scared beyond belief. Man I don't want no black, white or whatever magic on me wtffff.

Then they just stopped and stared at me.
"You have to become a Wiccan."
"No thanks. Never liked Harry Potter."
I decided I needed to get the fuck outta there. I don't know where, but I gotta cool off. So I grabbed my stuff and left. Went to a store nearby and bought a lighter. Didn't need one, but I bought it anyway. I sat outside and toyed with it.
I burnt a few things on the ground. And eventually, Victoria and L found me.
They both said nothing, just sat with me and watched me burn things.
"I first started believing in 7th grade. I met this guy on the Internet." Victoria told me.
"I was in 5th grade." Said L. "My mom taught me."
"I don't believe in magic." I grunted. "I never will."
"Mike please." Victoria said. "You're capable of many spells. I can feel your aura."
I thought how cool it would be to have crazy magic powers.
"I…have to think. Sorry" I stood up to go wait for the city bus (car+driver's license plz)
"Think about it." L said behind me.

All in all, I'm confused.
I've never been so confused in my life. I really like Victoria. Maybe not to the point of marriage, you know what I mean. She's not just eye candy to me anymore. She's a really cool girl. But I'm not sure if this is something I want to jump into.

Part of me wants to go through with this and help Victoria get rid of my curse and be happy. The other says to fuck it and keep on going.
I know Victoria will keep trying, and I don't want me to be the cause of her cutting herself.

I know I don't really like you guys, and you don't really like me.
But I'm asking you as a "forum", a group of anonymous users I don't know at all, and you don't know me.

What should I do? And what's your take on Wiccans.

/serious Nass

Sorry for not posting my story too. I swear it's on my to-do list. 🙂



BlackNazgul 7 April 2010 Reply

If you can’t convince her otherwise, then I would suggest you move on. There’s no point in lingering on something that cannot be changed.

-=The Nazgul=-

Gujju 7 April 2010 Reply

o.o Forreals?
Luck just isnt on your side Nass.

I would bolt. Chances are she isnt the best thing to ever happen to you, and being into magic isnt exactly a selling point.

AbyssymalKnight 7 April 2010 Reply

Hey man, don’t you worry. I can say this one thing and that they’re full of it. I know how that stuff works believe me.

Lots of girls our age get into that kind of crap but I know a few people that do know a great deal about it and that are the real thing.. and half the things the girls do at school are usually fake. They’re probably just tryin to scare you. So just shrug it off.

AznRiceFan 7 April 2010 Reply

Those chicks are psycho man. I would’ve ditched that in like two seconds.

Nass 7 April 2010 Reply

I know me too. If it was almost any other person I’d be like “HEY LOOK IT’S A PLANE!” and start running but…

it’s my girl y’know?

Lithium 7 April 2010 Reply

Bitches be trippin’.

Dustin 7 April 2010 Reply

That’s crazy.
Does she know she’s crazy? She better be nice enough to tolerate the crazy.

Tough luck, Nass.

Pirkid 7 April 2010 Reply

It’d be like me trying to date a fundamentalist, worst combination ever. And you can’t just stick with it, because this is something you’d have to handle for the rest of your life, potentially.

There’s plenty of non-weirdos out there, bud, don’t feel like you have to stay committed to this one. You’re still young.

On the other hand, she could be pulling the best post-April Fool’s joke on you ever. If my girlfriend managed to scare me like this as a prank I’d love her forever.

Hell, I thought there was some Wicca code or something that prevented ones from inflicting harm on others lest they punish themselves…”an it harm none, do what ye will” or something like that. They don’t even call it black/white magic anymore, they don’t want to associate it with race. Methinks you are being punk’d.

lahdeedah2 7 April 2010 Reply

I’m scared

Reve 7 April 2010 Reply

What. The. Bloody. Hell. I honestly don’t know whether I should be laughing like crazy or be very, very worried right now. O_O

My take on Wicca is just uhh, neutral. I don’t think they’re bad people to be around (until they start trying to turn me into a Wiccan, which they probably won’t from what I’ve heard). But honestly I don’t believe any of the stuff works. ._. If I was in your position and I liked her enough, I’d probably go along with it just to give her peace of mind… I mean, in case it’s real, can’t hurt, right? And after that, life will go on as normal anyway. Provided that she doesn’t perceive any more curses being sprung on you. But, uhh, we’ll see.

lahdeedah2 7 April 2010 Reply

I was reading about Wiccan people and it said they use light magic or whatever to stop dark magic which is what the Satan Worshippers use. I guess they are not bad.

FunnyFroggy 7 April 2010 Reply

What is happening to kids these days? Magic… whoever heard of such bullshit?

Dest1 7 April 2010 Reply

I was half expecting them to sex you as part of their “ritual” 🙁

Spade 8 April 2010 Reply

Tell Victoria that I told her she’s a loop

dee32693 8 April 2010 Reply

She’s not really Wiccan. She’s just using it as a gimmicky thing like making love potions and crap. 5 bucks she doesnt even know what a Book of Shadows is.

A.) She’s playing you hard man. Her and her friend thought this would be funny.
B.) She believes she and her friend are the real deal, and they are obviously turning into Nancy from The Craft only without real powers but with the actual craziness.

Whatever they do that uses bad magic or even the good magic in bad ways will be done unto them thrce. So, they cursed you, they will be cursed three times as bad.

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