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We were doing this Math test right?

And usually we get the questions off of a page in our text book and just write down the answers on loose leaf and then hand that in.

Anyway, we were doing that thing with the side length ratio,area ratio, volume ratio etc..

And I was kinda unsure on how I'd do.

Until I opened my book;

Some nice kid who had the book before me wrote the answers and working out right next to the problem!
I had tears of joy in my eyes, this test was gonna be a breeze! To be sure, I asked a few people what they got, and they confirmed it to be right.
When I was done, I put a small note at the bottom of the page saying:

-A lucky black kid

With an arrow pointing to the answers to be sure they knew what I meant.

Maybe one day when I have to give back my book, some other lucky person will stumble upon these answers. And be able to feel the joy I felt that period. But at the same time, I want to keep this book forever, and show it to my kids, then tell them that this is a prime example of a good person.

:') What a blessing.

Moar marks.

History: 62%
French: 78%

Maplestory, in the coming weeks I'm going to have a lot of free time. Instead of working on my White Knight like I should be, (ditched at level 70)
can I play with someone? I don't need any funding just someone talk to when I'm not AFK (Dussy knows what I mean), and some competition (Must be as pro as TarTar was for that one.)




Gujju 10 April 2010 Reply

That’s some Half Blood Prince shyt right there.

tarheel91 11 April 2010 Reply

Am I the only one who can’t help but read the title of this blog in a Japanese accent?


Edit: I’d like to point out I blew past you leveling. The pointlessness of the game is killing me though. Very little reward for lots of grinding. Find another game and I’ll play.

Nass 11 April 2010 Reply


Only because I got lazy.

Pepper 11 April 2010 Reply

f6. Galicia for the win?

Dustin 11 April 2010 Reply

I liked it when everyone played and we were all like “YEAH THIS GUILD GUN’ BE AWESOME!”.

That was a good….week.

I lost my account though. They made me change a password and it never stuck because I only went on once and never had to use it again. So yeah, I don’t have my e-mail either. Kinda sucks. Oh well.

And you lucky, lucky black kid. Your marks are going up from what you used to say they were; good job.

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