There's this girl.
You know what a sixteen year old girl acts like? No I mean like what they REALLY act like.
Perfect way to describe her.
No, she did not dump me or reject me.
She's just fucking retarded.
Okay, so Thursday. I got high out of my fucking mind.
Normal enough right? It was at lunch. There was maybe 5 of us (including me) and 2g to go around.
What's the big problem? Nothing. My friends are somewhat light weighted (that means they can't hold their weed in and THAT means it doesn't take much to get them high. It's common for people who haven't smoked for a long while.)
Me? I'm a little harder. I'm no druggie, but I can survive a gram or so before I hit, depending on weed smoked of course.
If it was hash…maybe less. It also depends on what I smoked it from. If it's a joint, maybe it'd take a little longer. But if it's a pipe( like for tobacco) it might be a bit less.
Anyway, at this point, I was lighting (oh yeah, we were using a pipe) by myself really. I told the others not to partake anymore, because then they might get green fever. They listened…sorta.
Oh yeah, there was this girl, who tagged along with us. I don't know why the fuck she did, she said she hated smoking. Whatever though, I didn't care. Until I saw her texting on her phone. Why was I paranoid?
Because she was telling this other girl, we'll call her Kay for this story, where we were.
I used to think like that. Please remember what I said before, she acts like a sixteen year old girl. Like the jail bait-attention-whore sixteen year old girls.
I knew this, I knew her since 7th grade. I knew what was coming, and how to handle it.
But that was the old Nass. This Nass, the new Nass didn't know what to do. Or he just couldn't do it right.
All he could do was eat and trip out.
So she came, luckily I gave her "The Look".
"The Look" is a secret weapon of mine. It ends every annoying convo, tells someone when to come, and when to fuck off.
This was a fuck off time. It worked.
She left, no problems right?
Thursday. Media class. Last period.
I was still high, trying not to give away myself to my teacher. I didn't care if students knew, they knew I'd just find them after.
When we got free time, this other guy, Justin was high too. So we laughed about random shit together.
"Having fun destroying your brain?" It was Kay. I ignored.
Please remember that line.
Friday. Got high again. This time after school though.
We went to the bus shelter (where the druggies collect) and bought another gram.
But we got impatient and asked them to roll for us and we'll just smoke it now.
One of the people who was with the druggies was this girl, we'll call her Jane for this.
Jane is a special project my friend( who was buying with me) is working on.
She wanted to smoke too.
Whoa whoa….what?
"Well, you didn't pitch in…" I let it hang.
"Yeah…." My friend did too.
We knew,she knew, if you don't help pay, you don't smoke.
"I know, I don't have cash now…but I'll repay you in another way…" She let that hang, and gave my friend this look.
I can't describe it really, it wasn't a whore look believe it or not. It wasn't desperate, it was just….a look.
My friend had the same thought I had. But he's not like me, so he got nervous "Uh..okay then."
Later on, we bought another gram. And after we smoked that, we decided to go home.
Then I got a text. From Kay.
I'll copy the text down WORD FOR WORD I'll even forward it to you if you don't believe me.
The old Nass knew what was going on, but the new Nass only knew how to eat and trip out. But managed to text her back
To which she replied
Drunk? The new Nass thought. LMFAO GOTTA CALL. But hey, she called me instead.
So I talked to her, and we stopped when she said "I'm gonna puke." Came home, ate weird ass snacks I made and then passed out on the couch.
Saturday. I woke up at 2pm, massive stomach ache, and I had to shit. But I couldn't get up. So I stayed there, then I checked my phone.
Kay texted me while I slept. So I texted her back. Then she says this
"Having fun destroying your brain?"
This time I knew what I had to do, this time, it was the Old Nass.
"Yeah" I typed. "Having fun passing out and giving your liver a punch? :P"
She changes the subject from her to me. "Smoking again this weekend?"
"Maybe. Depends." I reply.
"Do itt!" She replies.
The very phone convo I had with her last night, she said she hates drinking and smoking , she only does it once every few months but she tries to keep her friends clean.
Then at around 3pm I got another text.
Then she starts telling me about the problems she's having. Her shoulder to cry on? I don't know, but it wasn't gonna be me.
She then says and I quote again:
So I told her to stop bending over backwards for people, don't change who you are to fit someone else. You should only have one personality.
She then tells me that I do not know her and that no one does.
I reply "Yes, no one knows you because you keep switching sides."
She rages at me. I tell her that she has to put herself first sometimes, as selfish as it sounds. Then I give a slight comparison to how my mom used to be a wreck, because she felt bad for my dad after she divorced him. But soon she saw what was going on around her, how her kids had to watch her cry with her friends for almost 2 years. And she changed.
She rages more. Then she says how people are immature when they don't understand how she feels and try comparing it to her life.
But I compared her to my mom just before, so I'm immature then too I guess. Then tells me I do not know her and how hard her life is compared to mine, and that she hates it when people tell her what to do, when she came running over to me for help. Then finally says to change the subject.
First off, I'm now mad. She doesn't know how many times I felt like I needed an active father in my life.
I love my dad a lot. But it's not the same when I tell him something funny over the phone. It sucks how I can't go play soccer with him until I visit, or how I only talk to him for like 10 mins. Just like any other phone call. THIS IS MY FATHER WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!
She doesn't know how much it sucks to see when my friends get things faster than I can, because their mother and father both pooled some money together and bought it. AND THEN HE HAS LUNCH MONEY the next day.
My life isn't bad, there's worse and it's just amazing enough to live in Canada. But my life isn't so great either. It isn't what I see in American films.
So no, I'm not letting this drop just yet, I press on. Being sure not to explode like I did in the paragraph above. What I did mention though, was her "destroying brain" line. If she had cared a little she would of at least told me not to smoke. Or maybe just ask for me to not talk about it with her.
I'd do it.
BUT SHE ENCOURAGED ME! Don't get it twisted, her response made no effect if I was gonna smoke or not this weekend. But to ENCOURAGE a guy who's chugged along with you for 3 years? Who's always been there for you? Made you laugh, smile,giggle for 3 fucking years? Especially since you're the type of girl that he tends to stray away from? The type he tends to hate?
I don't know, in 7th grade, I didn't know much better. In 8th I knew, but I denied her of being an attention whore.
In 9th, I thought she was different, something I could cure. I was wrong I suppose.
So I told her to please not talk to me when she's crying or anything anymore, because I really don't care anymore.
In truth I stopped caring a while back. She just gives me something to do…you know hearing about her nice abused life and talking to her about her weight loss bcuz im so fat diet or talking about how many times she screwed her 12 (now 13) year old ex-boyfriend in 8th grade, last year.
So she's something new every time.
It's just that I'm gonna get grilled on Monday. And it's never gonna end.
I want to text her now. Tell her so much shit…I want to make her cry. I want to make her fear me.
I hate her.
Fueled by anger? Yes.
Best part? I know exactly how to carry this out.
She's gonna wish she didn't cross my path in 7th grade.
i read all that
all i can say is:
Cruel, but I support what you are about to do, for once.
I read this 4 times…and I’m still waiting for you to edit it and be like “haha just kidding.”
We’re getting soft Arly.
You keep feeding the whore the attention
Phase one complete.
At lunch,while we were with the crew (I showed up because I knew it would tick her off) I asked what they thought about the girl. Not using any names and this was just a hypothetical situation.
As expected they all replied they’d probably cuss her out. Their answer was even worse when I revealed that they were friends with the girl since 7th grade.
Then I asked Kay. My face showed no emotion until I saw the fear in her eyes. Only then did I slip in a quick smile and wink. Instead of answering, she excused herself, making a lame ass excuse about throwing out some papers.
While she was gone, my friends asked me if this situation was happening to me right now. I shrugged. They insisted to help me bring her down.
I smiled “But you wouldn’t even know who it was.”
“We don’t care, she sounds like a huge bitch.”
I’ll let this sink in for a while. And then I’ll start turning her friends against her. It’ll be tricky though, but I can do it.