Nass and Alberto: The Good, The Bad and The Large

By In Uncategorized

Since I'm in America, I figured I'd go to McDonald's see what's different.

For one thing, I love the dollar menu and totally wish it was in Montreal.
All we have is dollar drink days..which…I'm missing out on..right now (But seriously, getting a large drink for only $1 or 1.13 after taxes oh em gee!)
Another thing I like is filling my own drink. Wish that was at my McDonald's in Montreal too. On this particular trip, I mixed Coke and some Powerade.
It was all blue and bubbly, and I'm not sure if it was the drink or something I ate. But I had MAJOR burping power after, followed by the urge to take a HUGE dump. Like the kind where you've been sitting on the toilet for 30mins straight and you're like "MAKE IT STOP!!!!"

Was probably the drink I bet.

But this is all not even part of the blog, so I will stop talking about things I wish McDonald's had in Montreal and on with the story.

So, as stated before, I wanted to to go to McDonald's. So I did. When I got there and ordered. The dude behind the cash motioned me to stand aside, until I got my order.
Slow wait times? "A&W wouldn't treat me like that." I scoffed silently, but I did move over.
Little did I know I was blocking the way out of the counter. (Like you know those mini gates people use to block babies, kinda looked like that)
This was only brought to me attention when a short blonde girl employee who was trying to get out asked me to move over.
I was feeling pretty good then, so I figured I won't give her too much trouble. "What's the magic word?" I grinned.
"Please." She said, I nodded and moved over.
Harmless right?

I got my food and went to find a place to sit down. After day dreaming out the window while slowly munching on my fries. I noticed a girl staring at me. She had short brown hair and she was quite…large. I quickly turned my head away, if she didn't see me looking at her, she won't feel like coming to talk.
Then it hit me, what if she's EXACTLY like me, then it probably wouldn't even matter if I looked or not she'd say hi?!
"No." I calmed myself. "Even I have my limits, if I'm not in the mood to socialize I won't talk. Even so, if she doesn't look like she'd enjoy my company I wouldn't risk it. I enjoy a fight but only if I have a real chance at winning."

"Yeah, just don't look at her." Alberto, my one and only penis said. "I'm losing wood."
"Be nice Alberto." I scolded. "I'm learning how to be a gentleman. For all I know she could be a nice, cool girl."
"Whatever, just don't expect any sexual desire from me."

I promised myself I wouldn't notice, but I just couldn't shake the feeling of someone staring at me. So I looked over and gave her a quick smile.
The kind of smile where it's like "Hi, why are you staring at me?"

When I was gathering my things to leave. She got up too, despite her not even finishing her food. And while I was throwing shit out.
She pinched my ass while she was walking past. Both cheeks.

I shuddered.



David 13 July 2010 Reply


Why does it seem that you get sexually assaulted by females everywhere? What’s so sexually attractive about you?

Pix or it didn’t happen. :<

Nass 13 July 2010 Reply
David said: o_o

Why does it seem that you get sexually assaulted by females everywhere? What’s so sexually attractive about you?

Pix or it didn’t happen. :<

No usually I assault them.

Dest1 14 July 2010 Reply


i thought black people like the biigggg phat girls

jiggly and shiz

Arladerus 14 July 2010 Reply

she’s got guts, you gotta give her props for that

Nass 14 July 2010 Reply

Yeah, some large girls have such a large confidence level.
Not that it’s a bad thing, just sometimes…not wanted. Ironic coming from me but I am the best dude ever.

@Dest1: In “1000 Ways to Die” a man died when his fat girlfriend passed out after an orgasm. He suffocated between her boobs.

Vusys 14 July 2010 Reply

Now I have a mental image of “Alberto” and your black ass. Ewww.

Nass 14 July 2010 Reply

Alberto in full size or Alberto when he’s sick?
Also, my black ass is very firm. Rock solid.

Dual Bladers got moved to the 21st. Facking fuck.

Arladerus 14 July 2010 Reply

Yeah I know whatever though.

Although I’m still making my DB because my bro is a CB

Nass 14 July 2010 Reply

Yeah, but it really doesn’t matter which you make after that update anyway, DBs are supposed to get nerved (not sure when but at some point) a bit, and CB’s only get “on par” (with Shadow Partner and Flash Jump) with DB’s.

Arladerus 14 July 2010 Reply

Personally I’m going DB like I said but in the end Shadowers are better for bossing. Did you see that assaulter the guy did 0:28? Of course that’s with Shadow Partner, but still.

In the end though, NLs won’t be 1337 anymore and all the fags can finally be laughed at. ^_^

DarkDragoon 14 July 2010 Reply

Oh Nass just wondering. Why is your little friend a spic when you’re black?

Dest1 14 July 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Oh Nass just wondering. Why is your little friend a spic when you’re black?


Gujju 14 July 2010 Reply

Big girls need luvin too.

Nass 14 July 2010 Reply
DarkDragoon said: Oh Nass just wondering. Why is your little friend a spic when you’re black?

He’s Africspanic noob
Edit: O yeah Arly. I’m probably making a DB too. But I’m not sure if they have a skill like Smokescreen, which probably gives Shadowers the upper hand on bossing.

Arladerus 14 July 2010 Reply

Problem with Dual Blade is that the total cost of all their NX skillbooks add up to 30K+ NX. Of course, I’m only making a dual blade to be 1337 and shiet.

dee32693 15 July 2010 Reply

roffllmaaao. Scary D:

Nass 15 July 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: Problem with Dual Blade is that the total cost of all their NX skillbooks add up to 30K+ NX. Of course, I’m only making a dual blade to be 1337 and shiet.

Yeah, I don’t mind spending NX on the skills just as long as they have nifty packages like they did for Evan 🙂

spygirl57 15 July 2010 Reply

Woah there.
Kinda creepy..
i never knew. 😮

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