Disclaimer 1.0: Guys, this is a fucking joke. Laugh a-fucking little. Fuck.
"94.2 FM how may I help you?"
"Ummm, hi I'm calling about the Justin Bieber VIP contest? Am I caller number 3?"
"Oh my gosh yes!"
That's pretty much how my morning started. It all started when I woke up one Monday morning, just preparing for another boring day at school.
Same boring classes, same boring cafeteria food, same boring life. At least that's what I thought until I was heading out the door.
A local radio station was hosting a contest for the 3rd caller. The lucky winner would win VIP tickets to Justin's concert.
I knew I just had to win this, school could wait. Plus, I'd never live it down if I passed up on this fine opportunity.
I whipped out my trusty cell phone, and dialed the number. I talked to some operator lady. She sounded really, like really depressed.
"Never say never. Things will get better." I told her before she transfered my call, it's the new phrase I live by, plus, as a fellow Bieliber, I think it's something Justin would want me to do. Finally I talked to another lady, this one more cheerful than the first, she delivered the good news. I had won!
Practically jumping out of my skin, I gave my contact information and how they should go about mailing the tickets to me. This was the perfect start to a now-looking perfect day.
The contest awards me 3 tickets, so I figured I should bring along 2 more friends.
Only problem is, I'm a guy. And none of my BFFs are Bielibers!
How u like start of story, I decided to show a part every blog, that way you gotta keep guessing 4 moar.
Keep in mind that this story is influenced greatly on the comments, so any "suggestions" or "hunches" you might have could be implemented.
Today was pretty boring actually, tomorrow will be better I hope.
Got this new project thing for Drama, practicing giving and taking the focus. You know like our audience.
Because I have no friends I'm such a good actor, the teacher didn't put me in a group of 4 like everyone else. I'm a 1 man army and my job is to, make my own character and literally hijack everyone else's performances.
Do I got this in the bag? No duh.
Just kidding, there's only uno or deux groups I have to really worry about. One has this really cute girl in it and the other is filled with really funny guys.
I'm sure I can take them, I mean shit, I'm the Token Black Guy.
Right guys?
is ur char the 12 yr old dat he punched?
> it’s the new phrase I live by, plus, as a fellow Bieliber, I think it’s something Justin would want me to do
what the fuck
Someone caught me reading this blog, and thought I was into gay porn. Had to explain myself.
But otherwise, I laughed during the reading of the blog. Especially the quote Joaco emphasized.
Bieliber? Holy crap, they’re taking over.
Flameo, Nass. Flameo.