Blood Sugurrrrr

By In Uncategorized

Well, early this fine New Year’s Day. I decided to smoke my first bowl of the year. It was around 1am and no one was up, I figured I’d watch Easy A and eat chips.

So I start to smoke, but something doesn’t feel right….I started to feel really,really weak. I started getting massive head rushes. And I only took 1 hit.

I wondered what the hell was wrong with me, but kept going. after 5 mins, I started feeling even worse.
“What’s going on…?” I started to wonder, then my vision blurred. Blinking like crazy, I grab my water bottle and take a sip.
As the water goes down my throat, my heart begins to race.

I breathe slowly “It’s okay dude, you’re just REALLY tripping out.”
But not even my self assurance could stop the pain. It was getting too hard to breathe, and half of me wanted to just stop breathing and let myself die.

I began pacing up and down the stairs. It eased the pain a little, but I couldn’t keep this up forever.

I went back to my room and sprayed my cover-up. Hyper ventilating the whole way. This never ever happened to me before, what happened?

I walked into the bathroom and started into the mirror. “Maybe this isn’t weed. Maybe this is laced with like cocaine or something.” I thought, looking myself dead in the mirror. My heart felt like it turned to stone. I couldn’t breathe at all. “Oh god, I’m gonna die.” I whispered crumbling to my knees. I thought about telling my mom, she’s a nurse, so she should be able to help me.

But what would I say? “MOM HELP! I THINK I HAVE BAD WEED!”

I lay there on my bathroom floor. My eyes, slowly began to shut. Goodbye world, I thought sadly.

Then a lump formed in my throat. And I threw up all over myself.

Whipping my mouth, I slowly stood up. I feel a bit better, but my heart was still racing. And there was still like 3 hours left of my high.
Breathing quickly, I went into the kitchen and drank as much water as I could. Bad move. The lump came back, and I threw up in the sink.
All that precious water was now odorless vomit. Still, I kept drinking.

After I was done, I went outside and sat on my front steps. The cool night air felt so good. My senses came back and I felt much better, but I knew I couldn’t stay.

I crawled back into my room and lay on my bed. What the hell just happened? I passed out while watching Easy A, stone outta my mind.

2 hours later

I spring up, my stomach and head killed. I fixed up a quick meal and ate it in silence.
Went back into my room, put away my bong and went back to sleep.

At around 8am

I woke up, still feeling like shit, so I took a shower.
It helped a bit, but I still feel like I wanna vomit.

I went to my desk and turned on my computer. I had to find out wtf just happened.

After extensive research, I have to conclude that it was my blood sugar. I remember I didn’t eat the WHOLE day before I smoked.

“Damn.” I said, closing the window. “That was some high lol.”

Now I have massive stomach pain, but I’ve been eating a lot, and it’s going good. Maybe tomorrow I’ll smoke again and see what happens.

Moral of the story: Eat a bit before you smoke.


Nass 2 January 2011 Reply
Gujju 2 January 2011 Reply

Happened to me kinda, but it was alcohol.
Had a killer headache, almost threw up but my stomach was too empty for that.
I learned to always grab a slice before drinking T.T

Dustin 2 January 2011 Reply
Dest1 said:

The entire song is like my avatar.

dee32693 3 January 2011 Reply

Whoa man. better eat before any sort of inducer

Nass 3 January 2011 Reply

ya, wish I’ve known that sooner. I’m really fucked up now, like…I keep getting those feelings throughout the day.

Like I can be walking then I get this head rush. And I’d be like “…Whoa.”

Pirkid 4 January 2011 Reply

ALWAYS EAT BREAD. Tender, acts as a soaker (like salt but less bitter) and it good for you anyways.

Bread is the solution. If after a few minutes, you’re feeling better, water. Bread and water.

Nass 4 January 2011 Reply

lol it’s like taking sacrament at church.
Unless you go to those cool ones that actually give wine.

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