[How-To] Write A Blog

By In Uncategorized

So you finally wanna post a blog huh?

Posting a blog is srs business, there's a lot of preparation involved, but follow this guide and your blog will definitely get the bitches rolling.

Oh and also earn you like 10+ "Likes" or whatever…

Don't just take my word it, look at what the critics had to say!

VuTaler said: Shit, I became the most popular blogger here! All thanks to Nass' guide!

Someone else said: I LOVE THIS! 11/10! A++++ READ THIS!

You get the point.


So you got the blog idea racing through your head, you're pumped up, you gotta write this shit down!

First you need to go to this page here. There, you should be greeted with a page with a lot of big,scary words on it. It's okay champ I'll explain them to you.

Blog Title:
This is where you type your title for your epic blog. It can be anything you want, so long as it stays within the rules.

Oh yeah and no swearing in the title if you want it to be front page'd.

Tip: You want it to be attractive. Like a hot, curvy, Latina. So no "THE DAY I SUCKED MY OWN PENIS!" Even if you did do that, keep that out of the title. You sick mother fuc-

Here you'll find a drop-down menu, just choose the one that fits best with your blog. The way I do it is, if I'm talking about multiple subjects.
(Say: Real Life drama, gaming and then a rant to finish it off for this example) Whichever paragraph looks bigger is the category I pick.

Or you can also just be lazy and leave it in "Default".

Social Media:
Leaving this unchecked puts a nifty panel next to your blog when it's posted.

I assume it's for sharing the blog with other sites.

Iunno, I've never used it….

Word Count & Text Box:
Now you're finally ready to write!

Please note, your blog HAS to have more than 140 characters, or just don't post.
How long it has to be is really up to you. However, short blogs get hate after a while.


Step 2: Content!

Your blog can be about just about anything! Talk about your day, your gaming life, how you were awkwardly staring at that girl in Math class, and many more!

Don't forget to have DETAIL!

Please, no one wants to read:

Boring fuck said: So today, I kinda just went to school and this girl looked at me….and my penis jumped.

People want to read:

Exciting fuck said: So bright and early this wonderful Monday morning, I ventured off to school. Then this sexy female caught my eye. Her skin was the color of caramel, and her curves were like a race car track. She gave me a raging hard-on.

Don't forget to use your adjectives!

Don't have shit like that to write about?


Youtube is there to help you! Post the last video that made you laugh, or feel any other emotion.
What about that last article you read on the web? Post a link so others can read it!

Step 3: Comments

After people have read your blog, they have a few options:
They can:
"Like" the blog and then not comment
"Like" the blog AND comment (Best one)
Or just back out and move on to the next blog.

To help lure people in, post questions in your blog, that way the people who read it have something to work off of.

Example: I thought the movie was okay, lacking in some places but still worth it. What about you guys?

Step 4: Pray

Pray people "Like" it. And even if you don't get your goal likes, KEEP POSTING!
Sometimes a week can go by without any blogs being posted, people will be HAPPY to see a new blog, and they WILL read it if it's got content.

Just keep trying, keep writing your blogs.

Like once I was a noob 13 year old who would just write about MapleStory. Now I'm like….a fucking beast of some sorts.

Keep trying guys! Keep reading and following this guide, it's GONNA work if you do it right. Cuz I wrote it so…yeah.



DarkDragoon 13 February 2011 Reply
Nassty said: …your blog will defiantly get the bitches rolling.

Was that really the word you were going for?

Rule 33: Proper diction need not apply

Nass 13 February 2011 Reply



Spade 13 February 2011 Reply

this is how you get banned

Dest1 13 February 2011 Reply

i was gonna make a new blog called “i shoved my dick into the ground and ejaculated plants” but now i know better


Nass 13 February 2011 Reply
Dest1 said: i was gonna make a new blog called “i shoved my dick into the ground and ejaculated plants” but now i know better


np,np just helping a brotha out.

Arladerus 13 February 2011 Reply


Joaco 13 February 2011 Reply

You forgot to add that you NEED to include media like images/links/videos, otherwise it’s going to be a wall of text.

David 13 February 2011 Reply

This guide sucks. :/

Nass 13 February 2011 Reply


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