1st blog bruh
It’s finally here. VuTales is 2 years old today, and now running VuTales 3.0. It’s been a long time in the making.
The site has been completely revamped, and is bursting with new features.
What do you like about the new VuTales? What do you miss? What would you like to see in the future?
Let me just start off by saying;
It’s been FOREVER since we’ve had a QoTW and it’s great to see them back in action. Let’s all participate and help with the suggestion yeah?
Okay, now we can start
First impression when I opened VT:
What the fuck? -closes tab- (Chrome’s icon for VuTales was the old one)
-opens VuTales again-
“Oh shit! V3 is out! Wait why is there a 3 in the title?”
Then I played around with some of the tabs and shit.
Loving it so far, might take a little getting used to I guess.
Which brings us to….
What I miss?
Well, I miss the side bar being on the left. (To the left, to the left -Beyoncé voice-)
And I miss being able to just click “New Blog” and bam! I can start.
On the flipside it’s a million times easier to make a thread, because I just need to click the “DashBoard” button.
Another thing I wish was still around was the Word Count. Like right now I have NO IDEA how long this thing actually is!
What I would like to see in the future..
Well drafts are already here now, so I’m set.
Oh and I would also want world peace.
Edit: Now that I look at it, the headers look kinda ugly. As in, they would be PERFECT for a guide, for for blogs….ehh, not so much.
I like the blog layout. Very clean looking.
I expect
this to be the most unpopular tag.
Yeah we’ll see about that, It’s gonna be the most searched tag I bet.
You didn’t tag it for the QoTW, btw.
You should put a line before the enter. I think it’d help a lot.
Also, Nass, you clearly don’t get tags, lol.
I know it was supposed to read “Nass is awesome and loves V3”
But I fucked up.
-1 Likes lol
I wanted to see if you can dislike your own blog……
Well as you can see you can.
I just downvoted this because it’s fun, but I still love you Nass.
kk ilu too <3