Nass and Alberto: The Dentist

By In Uncategorized

So yesterday I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned.

My mom took me to a new place….for some odd reason, so I was scared that there wouldn’t be any women there (my old place was ran by females.)

Anyway, we show up. And my mom (who had an appointment too) goes in. They tell me to sit down and wait for my name to be called.
It’s one of those big offices, like with a beautiful couches and shit. So I kinda felt outta place.

So I sat and waited.

My appointment was at 2:30pm. It was now 2:45pm, and I was still sitting there.

Finally, I get called at 2:50. My dentist was a woman, a short woman at that. I’m like 5ft 9-5ft 10 so I’m not really a tall guy. She was maybe up to my shoulder.

Blah blah blah skip all that shit

So she begins the cleaning. I was fucking bored from waiting all that time, so I needed something to distract my mind. I started thinking:
If I was older, would I tap that?
Maybe, I concluded.

Alberto said: I’d hit that in a heartbeat.

Yeah I know you would.

Now that the thought was in my head, you can guess what happens next….

Alberto shows up. At this point I was like: “My teeth are getting scraped and my gums prodded, and I still have the willpower to get a boner. Fucking really?”
I moved my hand over my crotch area. Praying I can hold this beat down.

This goes on for 30mins. Then once my cleaning was done, I needed to get some X-rays done.
So another lady comes in. She was maybe from somewhere in the Middle East.

Alberto said: Me too, I’d tap that.

Again, you know what happens next.

I was getting pretty desperate. I started praying again, even if there’s no God, just knowing that there could be someone listen soothed my mind.
O God.” I started. “What the fuck bro? Why now, out of all times and places?

So here I am, sitting on the chair, with my arm resting on my crotch area. My face looking concentrated and shit.
I probably looked constipated.

Glad that’s over.

In other news, I’m feeling a lot better. Thinking of buying some bud to celebrate. BUT OWAIT I’m fucking poor.



Dest1 1 March 2011 Reply


Nass 2 March 2011 Reply

ahahaha I just noticed I made a blog about getting boners….

I share too much shit on this site…

dee32693 3 March 2011 Reply

LOOOOOOL so true dude xD but they’re like the laid-back cousin of the blogs here :O even though its pretty ew to have you talk about know…its still like “LOL he says it so nonchalantly” also what happened to that one chick who was liek you but with girly bits?

Nass 3 March 2011 Reply
dee32693 said: LOOOOOOL so true dude xD but they’re like the laid-back cousin of the blogs here :O even though its pretty ew to have you talk about know…its still like “LOL he says it so nonchalantly” also what happened to that one chick who was liek you but with girly bits?

dee32693 3 March 2011 Reply
Nass said:

dee32693 said: LOOOOOOL so true dude xD but they’re like the laid-back cousin of the blogs here :O even though its pretty ew to have you talk about know…its still like “LOL he says it so nonchalantly” also what happened to that one chick who was liek you but with girly bits?

D: *pats on back*

Nass 4 March 2011 Reply
dee32693 said:

Nass said:

dee32693 said: LOOOOOOL so true dude xD but they’re like the laid-back cousin of the blogs here :O even though its pretty ew to have you talk about know…its still like “LOL he says it so nonchalantly” also what happened to that one chick who was liek you but with girly bits?

D: *pats on back*

Yea. Not giving up though…

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