I go by 2 names. Michael or Mike. Preferably Mike because it sounds cooler.
When I was younger, I went through a pahse in my life, where people thought it was acceptable to call me Mikey.
Mikey, implies that I’m an Italian mafia boss. Or it says that I’m just a little kid.
EVERYONE called me Mikey for like 4 years. Even when I would explain that Mike, is SHORTER than Mikey, they’d still call me that.
Eventually I went insane and went through that phase where I hated my parents for giving me a stupid name.
Not yet knowing what a stereotype was, I wanted to change my name to Jay or Ray (I was a fucking HUGE Beyblade fan.) When it was supposed to be Jamal, Tyrone or something like that.
When I got to high school, it just stopped. No one called me Mickey, and everyone started calling me Mike.
I freaked because I was still clinically insane after all htose years of name abuse, I still don’t know how to react.
Mikester was and is something my mom calls me when she’s “joking around.”
I’l admit I didn’t really get my comedic genes from her side of the family, because that is just the worst nickname ever.
And she even does it in public too.
Like she’d be like: “-says some joke- EH MIKESTER?”
Or when she’s calling me: “Mike! Mike! MIKESTER!”
God I hope this one goes away soon….
W’sup Mikester.
Mikey Mick Mikester
You brought this upon yourself…Mikester.