College Ahoy!

By In Uncategorized

Hey guys, how’s it going?

I’m okay I guess. Kinda stressed but hey, what’s life without stress right?

So as some of you may know, I finished high school. I had about 2 months of immortality ahead of me, before I had to buckle down again for college.
Back in June, the thought of me actually going to college was still in the depths of my mind. It wasn’t really much to worry about. More responsibility, more liberty blah blah blah, I thought 11th grade told me enough about college for a few months. Hell, I haven’t even gone yet and I was sick of hearing it.
All I wanted to do was cut loose with my friends for the final time y’know? I mean not really the final time for some, but I mean for the final time before this “adult” life catches up with us. Before we find new circles of friends (more so in my case since I’m the only one not going to the same college as everyone else) and start thinking about other things other than catching up with old high school friends.

After spending a few weeks in denial, reality finally hit me.

I miss high school.

It was sometime during my stupid summer French course that I finally came to reason. I just thought “shit, I miss the care-free life.”
The class took a huge toll on my body and zapped up the whole month of July. Eat.Sleep.Class. Was my method of survival for the entire month.

Then I started thinking “No I don’t miss high school, I just don’t want to do this class lol. Stop worrying.”
Fast forward to the end of July, my class finished and it just so happened I landed a job. Since I was desperate for work and cash, I took as many hours as I could get.
Now it turned into: Eat.Sleep.Work.

Which at first was fine with me, but then I accidentally stumbled on my yearbook and some other things I kept from school (notes, drawings, my prom ticket etc…) and I was all like :’) :’)

As we get closer to the present, I decided that the reason why I was feeling like this was because I knew I had no friends, and that’s something that hasn’t happened in YEARS. Like since grade 2 when I moved to where I live now.

What if I’m no good at making friends?
I’ve become more socially awkward then ever before (fuck you Tumblr) so what if I fuck up?
What if I can’t find any clubs to join and I’m stuck with stupid people as classmates?

I don’t feel ready for college yet.

I don’t even have a fucking schoolbag yet…





darkness 15 August 2012 Reply

I didn’t miss high school one bit.

Look forward to college. It’ll be one big bucket of ice cold reality check, but I think it’ll be good. But, having said that I don’t know what kind of college you’re going to so I can’t gauge what terrors/splendors you’ll find.

Nass 15 August 2012 Reply
darkness said: I didn’t miss high school one bit.

I do. I feel like there’s so much more I could have done before I graduated 🙁

darkness 16 August 2012 Reply
Nass said:

darkness said: I didn’t miss high school one bit.

I do. I feel like there’s so much more I could have done before I graduated 🙁

Well, I harbor a certain abhorrence for my high school. Having said that, I’m sure you had a more eventful and fruitful experience than I did.

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