The Only Time I Write Blogs is when I’m Hungover

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What’s up people?!
How are you guys? It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and even longer since we had some real activity going down on this mofo, but end of semester is a bitch as any college kid will tell you so maybe that’ll change in the next few weeks.

So much has happened since my last blog which was when? Early November?

First off, I’m finally 18! 😀
I can drink legally, buy as many cigarettes as I want and hire hookers at the same time!
But seriously, I’ve been abusing the fuck outta my legal status lately…..

I’ll start off with the Bassnectar concert back in November. To put it simply, it was a FUCKING CRAZY NIGHT!
He killed it as always, melted my fucking face off!
I went with my friend and his girlfriend (THIRD WHEELING HARDCORE LOL) and then my older brother joined us later in the night.

We smuggled some tequila and vodka into the concert venue, and a shitload of glowsticks so that saved us a bit of bar money…that is until my friend was drinking out in the open and fucking got busted by security. :/
Anyway, we raged hard all night and I bought this shirt!

Sorry for my ugly face.
Then we were outside cooling off, and we heard some people talking about an after-party at some club nearby, so we were like “fuck yea” and went there.
We were already drunk enough but I ended up buying beer there (it was the same spot as the $3 tequila shots in my last blog)

And that pretty sums that night up.

A few days later it was my birthday.
Nothing too big happened, just blasted some music with about 10 people at my house.
Someone did vomit, but it was in the garbage so it’s cool. I bought one of those mini-kegs of beer which was such a good purchase, I think it was like 5L of beer for $31 or something.

Then we headed out at like 1am to Tim Horton’s (don’t remember why) and shit got real.
The cashier apparently thought she saw us drinking in the restaurant and she called the cops. 2 cop cars and local security showed up ready to arrest our asses and I was freaking the fuck out,
In the eyes of the law, that night I was officially of legal age, which meant I was gonna be charged as an adult, and that also means I’m legally responsible for my underage friends.
So a cop comes up to me and was like “Are you drunk?”
And I blurted out “YEAH.” (Nerves suck)
And he was like “Ok do you have ID?” So I gave him some ID and he was quiet for a good minute, then he smiled at me and was like “Happy Birthday.” And let me go.

What. The. Fuck.

Apparently the cops said he cashier was “not right in the head tonight” (their words, not mine) and she was just being stupid.

I went home after that and passed out. Didn’t even order anything to eat lol.

The next week I went to this DJ competition going down at this club. I was by myself and it was my first time going to this club so I was scared I wasn’t gonna have fun, but to summarize that night in a pic (credz to:

So there was that.

Next we fall into last Friday. My friend and I went downtown, because he apparently heard about this really sick bar. Turns out he’s full of shit and this bar was filled with old guys and bikers. Let’s just say we didn’t fit in,
Anyway so I suggested we hit the club (same place as the competition) and rage there. There’s a weekly night every friday that plays trap music and glitch-hop so I was down for that shit.
We got super hammered and danced with so many people.
I somehow ended up on stage dancing my ass off:

So that was cool.

Bring us to last night. There’s a weekly dubstep night that goes down and last night was my first time going to it.
So much fucking fun! I ended up on stage again (if pics arise I will post) and it was great.
Bass was nice, beats were tight.
And yeah.

Now I’m super hungover and stuff. I’m DJing at a rave next Saturday, so I’ll blog about that when it happens.

Also, as a shameless plug if anyone’s into dubstep I DJ every Thursday night on this online radio station (people who have me on FB know this) at 10PM EST so tune in if ya want.

To close here’s some more pics that I keeping forgetting to show!

This was from the Halloween house party I spoke about in this blawg.

And this was from the party my college hosted. I talked about that in this blog
Take that you dirty rat!



darkness 6 December 2012 Reply

Three things:

1. I definitely cannot relate to anything you’ve done in this blog. Absolutely nothing.

2. Seems like you had a HELL of a time (even if you might not remember half of it in a hangover-induced stupor, though you seem to handle your drugs well).

3. Bow-chicka-wow-wow!

Dest1 7 December 2012 Reply

Every time I read your blogs I become so envious, dude.

Nass 7 December 2012 Reply
darkness said: Three things:

1. I definitely cannot relate to anything you’ve done in this blog. Absolutely nothing.

2. Seems like you had a HELL of a time (even if you might not remember half of it in a hangover-induced stupor, though you seem to handle your drugs well).

3. Bow-chicka-wow-wow!

haha I had the time of my life each night! 🙂

@Desty: Haha just gotta do it big and have fun man

trinay 7 December 2012 Reply

Your costumes are so funny!

Nass 10 December 2012 Reply
trinay said: Your costumes are so funny!

Virtually impossible to pee with them on though.

Lithium 11 December 2012 Reply
Nass said:

trinay said: Your costumes are so funny!

Virtually impossible to pee with them on though.

I had the same problem with a sumo suit I wore to school one year. Took 10 freaking minutes to finish the whole process.

greenelf 11 December 2012 Reply

where does one rent a banana suit?

Nass 11 December 2012 Reply
Lithium said:

Nass said:

trinay said: Your costumes are so funny!

Virtually impossible to pee with them on though.

I had the same problem with a sumo suit I wore to school one year. Took 10 freaking minutes to finish the whole process.

Haha oh man that’s my limit. I’d never be able to handle a sumo suit!

@Greeny: Rent? Nah man I bought that shit! You never know when you’ll need a banana suit!
Try a Halloween/party shop tho.

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