It’s been a while

By In Uncategorized

Hello hello hello to the very very few people who will even read this!

It’s been such a long time since I’ve written something on here haha, I actually completely forgot about this site until the Vutales Next post on Facebook. Theeeeennn I completely forgot my account info lol

Well I’ll make this quick since it’s been so long and so much has happened in my life that really, i have no idea how to begin updating you all on what’s happened since the last time I posted

I’m 21 now
I feel old as fuck, especially considering I met some of you when I was fucking 16 years old lol. It was actually my birthday last week
I still go out pretty often
I still DJ
I actually have some sort of a career now, I got a constant flow of gigs that keep me busy. It’s kind of cool really, the concept of “fans” is still awkward to me. Like people that actually like you without really knowing you (mostly for the music I play in my case but still)
I’m now a struggling small business owner!
Me & some friends decided to start our own promo crew. February makes it a year that we’ve been doing it, and it’s actually been going decent. Not enough to make any money off of it but I’ve made a lot of connections and it’s definitely furthered my own personal career a bit so that’s cool. I’ve dealt with a few international artists so far and it’s interesting to see how much work and stress goes into throwing a concert.
I’m STILL single as fuck
and it’s starting to piss me the fuck off dammit

Yeah that’s pretty much it lol

anyway it’s like 3:30am I should probably get some sleep


One Comment

David 12 December 2015 Reply

Same dude. Same.

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