Yanno What Stinks?

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Constructing diminished and augmented intervals in C# Major.

I have a Musical Theory test on Monday, and I still have no idea what I'm doing. This department is a disaster of epic proportions. There are 6 tutors for just this class, and people still bomb out because it sucks that much. So here I am, alternating between Facebook, VuTales, and this stupid online interval quiz site, trying to get my thick skull wrapped around it. Maybe if I cut out the former 2, I'd have a better chance, but that also exponentially increases the odds of a fist through my screen so we won't do that. Also, how can I spell triads (which is supposed to be HARDER) in a clef I've never read before (bass), but I can't even write melodic intervals (which is supposed to be easier) in a clef I've read for 8 years (treble)?

Argh. I cannot stand this class. I will take my C- and NEVER RETURN.

…so who wants to quiz me on key signatures. u.u;


dee32693 19 September 2009 Reply

LOOOOOLwuuttt D;

I do not know music. I humbly beg for your forgiveness, as I cannot help you on your queste 🙁

Nigiyaka 19 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: LOOOOOLwuuttt D;

I do not know music. I humbly beg for your forgiveness, as I cannot help you on your queste 🙁

It’s fine. D: There aren’t a lot of people I know online who can. It’s a college class unique to music majors and minors. I just needed to vent my rage. ><;

dee32693 19 September 2009 Reply

*pats on back* its cool. have you tried asking someone else who has the class?

Nigiyaka 19 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: *pats on back* its cool. have you tried asking someone else who has the class?

Yeah…we all seem pretty stumped on this part though.

dee32693 19 September 2009 Reply

what about asking teach? o.o

Nigiyaka 19 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: what about asking teach? o.o

…she’s scary. D:

She’s this 4 foot tall old woman with a cane who plays the freaking pipe organ. She wears bright yellow shoes, and is said to be pure evil.

Zappy 20 September 2009 Reply

…. Music? I play the piano. Except I almost never practice.

Arladerus 20 September 2009 Reply

Diminished and Augmented intervals isn’t that hard. =/ Especially with a key signature. It’s ghey when you have to accidental everything.

And also, writing in another clef isn’t hard, it’s just annoying. You have to be watchful. Otherwise, Alto clef, middle C on middle line, Treble clef, middle C three lines below middle line, Bass clef, middle C three lines above middle line.

If you didn’t learn already, the arrow of the “alto clef” points to what middle C is.

Wikipedia win

Chameleon 20 September 2009 Reply

… I’ve never been so glad to have learned music theory when I was little. x3;;

Jil 20 September 2009 Reply

Music theory is silly. What’s there to theorize about? When it comes down to it, it’s just a bunch of sound frequencies.

Reve 20 September 2009 Reply

Pm me if you need help. My theory ain’t half bad imho (ABRSM Grade 8). 😀

Edit: Thought I’d just type in some quick notes since I see Arly didn’t exactly elaborate on intervals…

For any set of notes you get, take it that the key is a major key. Take it that both notes exist on the key’s scale, ignore the extra accidentals for now. Now draw a keyboard and point out the notes on the keyboard.

If the notes “close up” on the keyboard after you change it to the notes the question gave, it’s minor. If the interval was a perfect 4th, 5th, or 8va, it’s diminished.

If it gets wider on the keyboard, it’s augmented (perfect 4th, 5th, or 8va intervals only though, at least, the ones I ever came across).

ezpz? 😀

Arladerus 23 September 2009 Reply

If you care to know, for inversions, Major -> Minor, Augmented -> Diminished, Perfect = Perfect, and vise-versa. I doubt you would invert anything above a perfect octave, so basically, the sum of your interval and its inversion will always be 9. Put together…

Major 6th -> Minor 3rd
Perfect 5th -> Perfect 4th
Augmented Unison -> Diminished Octave

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