Here is my 15 minute experience in the World of Warcraft.
So I make a 10 day trial account for the World of Warcraft. Because my friend Larissa made me. Said I should at least try it once or some BS like that.
I get into the game, so far so good…spawn right on top of like 10 AFK people…
And this is the point at which I realize I know absolutely nothing about WoW.
I go to walk away from those people, clicking my mouse on the point I want to walk to.
And again.
And again.
And after about the 50th time, I realize clicking isn't working. So I try right clicking. Clicking and dragging. Crap, that makes the screen spin around. Um. Holding shift and clicking…? Nope…
I start talking out loud. Yanno. "Nobody panic, I'll figure it out!"
Nobody cares…they all run away…with their…fire purple tiger things…
Eventually, someone takes pity on me and teaches me how to walk.
Very promising start to my WoW career…
I played for a few days with Mip and got bored of it. I don’t see the appeal to be honest. I’d rather be solo or play in a team in quick rounds.
I made a bald black guy on WoW. 🙂
I didn’t get it either…it looked cool and all but…
A game has to have a really good story if it’s going to consume hours and hours of my life. I’m not much of a ‘grinder’. I like to pick up a game to amuse myself for half an hour or so when I have spare time, then put it down.
Some people like WoW because of the role-playing bit. Imagine being inside of a vast magical world full of creatures and demons. And you’re a lone elf, trying to stop and evil being from destroying that world. LOTS of material for story making. It’s a future novelist’s dream come true. xD